Post Your First Egg of 2016!!!

Hi guys do any of you have any cheap peacock eggs for sale ? Thank you

Usually trying to buy on the cheap has cost me more than had I not tried at all. Do yourself a favor and buy live chicks, it will cost you less in the long run and you can get what you want. Unless you just want some cut rate birds of questionable background.
I'm in az thank you guys for the help ..maybe I just might wait till my hen lays .I'm just so anxious!!! For a peacock egg :) ...thank you guys
I'm not going to look for eggs anymore I think ......I am going to get some peachicks 3-4 months old for $10 each ,is that a good price
I'm not going to look for eggs anymore I think ......I am going to get some peachicks 3-4 months old for $10 each ,is that a good price

You'll be very lucky to find them that price. I've gotten some that were $15 each for 2 weeks old chicks. I would say cheapest you'll probably find is $20 each for an Indian Blue. It mainly depends on your market.
Yup that's what I thought .:) right now the hen is broody and the chicks will hatch in a week and then will stay with her for 3-4 months then I will buy all ..:)
Yup that's what I thought .
right now the hen is broody and the chicks will hatch in a week and then will stay with her for 3-4 months then I will buy all ..

You would be better served to get them just after hatch so you could raise them in a brooder where they would be safe. Difficult to say how many will be left in three months on the dirt.
The mom is broody in a inclosed area and there is a lot of grass do you think they will survive ?

I suspect that what @KsKingBee may be suggesting it that the young peachicks might succumb to coccidia -- peas are very sensitive to coccidia -- and depending on the owner and the ground (the grass doesn't matter very much), the chicks will likely be exposed to it. If the breeder is not feeding a medicated feed, or if the breeder is inexperienced or fails to recognize the symptoms in time, there will likely be chick losses. Chicks can die very quickly from coccidia, even within 24 hours of the time the owner notices symptoms. Medicated feed is not necessarily enough to completely prevent coccidia deaths in peachicks. It's extremely important to have the correct medicines on hand and to watch peachicks very closely.

Some people prefer to raise the chicks indoors in brooder for 8 - 12 weeks, until the chicks are older, bigger and stronger, to minimize their exposure to coccidia.

What can you tell us about the person who has agreed to sell you the chicks for $10?
Well she has had peafowl for a long time and she has said her other peahens have had peachicks and raised them all without any problems you think they will live ?
Well she has had peafowl for a long time and she has said her other peahens have had peachicks and raised them all without any problems you think they will live ?

@BackyardMarana , I guess we don't ever know -- we all just do our best and try to learn from our experiences. If she has had success in the past, that's a good sign. There's no guarantees in life, and there's good reason for the old saying about not counting chicks before they are hatched. If you educate yourself on common illnesses and how to treat them, and learn about hatching and raising chicks, it can only help you in the long run.

Good luck and best wishes!

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