Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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We just got our first white egg which means one of these girls, Margarine or Butter, is the culprit!

Aww! How old?
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He's 4. Those two are "his" chickens. He picked them out as chicks and named the first one butter because she was the color of butter. I thought it only fitting to name her sister Margarine. It must have been Margie who layed yesterday because I caught her laying today. I quickly rewarded her with a handful of blackberries. Maybe the others will get the clue that eggs mean treats ;)

This is our first Egg! My daughter was so excited. One of my girls layed this one on 6/30/13 but I'm not sure who layed it...

My chickens have just started laying eggs...really early too. The Amber Links (or White Leghorns) we got on March 1st and by my math shouldn't start laying until right around August 1st. So far we have about 3 brown eggs and 3 White eggs so far...can't figure out who is laying what egg...

Here is my breakdown of Pullets(by age)

  • 4 Amber Links/White Legorns (I think) - We brought home on 3/1 (maybe 1 or 2 days old at that time).
  • 5 Red Pullets (not sure what specific breed) - be brought home on 3/8 (also 1 or 2 days old)
  • 1 Easter Egger - brought home on 3/8 too
  • 5 Plymouth Rock - 4/5 (I think)
I have 8 pullets. All are around 20 weeks. My EE has laid 4x- the first two a week apart, then yesterday a fairly small one. Today I found a very pale turquoise egg that had a tissue paper shell and had been broken in the box. One other pullet laid a paper thin shell too, but the one before and after we're normal. Is there a reason 6 of my girls lay nice thick shelled eggs, and others don't? (Since they are all fed the same diet, etc). My (only) EE has also laid only 4 eggs and they were all very different colors.... All turquoise-ish but I'd say they were from different girls if I didn't know better. Thoughts?

Just got my first egg today. I have what I believe to be barred rocks. I bought two of them when they were two days old. Yesterday they were 22 weeks. These are my first hens and I am excited.
Update. The second hen was about an hour behind but also laid an egg today. She didnt brag like the first one though. Their names are Holly( the bragger) and Molly.
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