Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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It's a double yoker! I really wasn't expecting that for the first egg. Or the rest actually. Doesn't it typically happen in older hens? I was also really surprised to get an egg this early. My black australorp Sumatra laid it and she is only 16 wks old. I'd say she is one to keep chicks from!

Some of our 5 months old pullets laid double yolkers every few days of so. After a month, have not seen any, they are now laying normal eggs.

I initially thought it happens when pullets start laying early. But we now got Production Red pullets who started laying at 17 weeks, and no double yolkers from any of them, at least not n the first 2 weeks of laying.

I guess it depends on the bird! :)

Our first! Hopefully many more to come!

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I know it looks a bit pink, but, really it's bright white. This was our very first egg, and our sweet little Leghorn, Mochie, laid it two weeks ago when she turned 16 weeks old. It was a good, solid egg, great shell. One of my fellow chicken raising friends said it couldn't have been her first egg, because she would have laid several shell-less eggs first. I never saw one anywhere, so, not sure how accurate that is.
Chickens are 15 weeks today, and we got our first egg today, 7/14/2015. my husband found it by the waterer! I was bummed I wasn't home to celebrate. Not sure which chicken laid it, but I have 6 red stars, 2 BOs, and 4 black stars. thinking it was a red :)
Now there's this much
....the three larger ones are from an older production red...
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