Posting pictures from mobile

Tried uploading pictures from galaxy s4 android 4.4.2 from both mobile and desktop options with no success. Gets me to the option of "upload from my device" and "load a url" and can't get it to do anything other than cancel.
Tried uploading pictures from galaxy s4 android 4.4.2 from both mobile and desktop options with no success. Gets me to the option of "upload from my device" and "load a url" and can't get it to do anything other than cancel.

My Galaxy s5 isn't able to post pix here. I see the "browse your computer" button, but when I touch it, nothing happens. It seems silly to have to transfer the pix to my desktop. Help please?

I am having the same problem with my galaxy s5. Can't post pictures. Please help.

I was able to post a picture on my second post. Tried to do it in my first but couldn't upload the picture from my galaxy s4 phone. Had to jump on the laptop to do it.
I since dropped my s4 and went back to my Sony Xperia, wanted to post another picture and was able to no worries from that phone.
If your smartphone won't let uou, I suggest getting on a pc if you can.

All those with Galaxy devices, we're trying to duplicate the problems you're having. We've tested with our team's S5 without problem, so we need more information.

If you are having problems posting with an S4 or S5, please reply with the following:

  1. The exact steps you are taking. For example, "I was on page xyz. I clicked the button zyx and then I clicked yzy. Then I got the popup asking me which image. I chose the image from my phone's photo directory, and when I clicked "next" I got the error xyz"
  2. If you get an error, please copy/paste the error or post a screenshot

Basically, the more details you post, the better chance we can duplicate the problem and find a fix.

From my galaxy S4 when I'm on mobile option in the BYC app, either trying to reply to a thread or if I have started a new thread, when I click the mountain looking symbol to upload a pic I get sent to this screen

When I try and press "upload from my device" nothing happens. No matter where on that button I press it just wont do anything. I can get a cursor in the box for entering an image URL. Never tried to go further with this step because I don't understand it.

When I switch it to desktop version I can hit the same "insert picture" icon and I get a pop up like this;

When I try and press the "upload files" button, nothing happens again. It doesn't freeze and I can freely move around the rest of the page but it just won't register when I press on the upload files button.

This is where I give up and go back a page and say to myself, I'll go turn on the computer and add that picture later. Which rarely happens.

I've never had any error messages.

Hope this helps!
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Pippo's experience with the S4, as told above, is exactly what happens to me with my S5. In the"post" box in any forum, I can click the mountain icon to add a photo, but when I click the "upload from my device" button on the following screen, nothing happens. So there is no error code to report. My screenshot would be the same as Pippo's ... If I could post it!
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I've got a Galaxy S5, I can get as far as the "embedding picture" with the black screen and spinning circle, but when it's done the pic is not showing up. It just shows and blank Reply box. Verizon carrier...doesn't work thru website or app. When I try to log into the app it says my username and password is incorrect. Not sure what that's about either.
@pippo , that's FANTASTIC!!

We're reporting this to our engineers and hopefully we can duplicate and find / fix the problem!

As others run into this and similar problems, please keep posting your experiences and details!
 , that's FANTASTIC!!

We're reporting this to our engineers and hopefully we can duplicate and find / fix the problem!

As others run into this and similar problems, please keep posting your experiences and details!
any progress. I have updated to the latest version of byc app and still the same issues with mobile and desktop versions :hit
I would like to easily share pictures of my girls with fellow chicken lovers!
When I try to upload pictures from my iPhone 6 (with the latest iOS update) I get a large "cancel" button that can't be clicked. My pictures never come up to be selected. This happened in the local Georgia page.

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