Poults dying


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
Culloden, GA
Someone gave me some "wild" turkey eggs. 10 hatched and all 10 died in a day or so. I got an older turkey and a chick to help teach them to eat and drink. Then the other 6 hatched. One died in incubator. Others are very sickly now. The chick that I got to help them learn from is now sick. I have been putting a little antibiotic and vitamin/electrolytes in their water. I cleaned the cage that they are in. I just don't know what is going on. Can anyone help?
I never use electrolytes and I don't lose poults. I don't know if its connected but I just put adv in the water. Also what are you feeding. Turkeys need high protein to start, like a 28%. Normal chick starter is usually 18% or 20%. That's not near enough. Also make sure where they are kept has no drafts and is at 95 degrees. Chocks have to stay warm and dry and full. They are hard to teach them about the waterer and feeder but they catch on. Hope that helps a little
I wonder if all of them are actually sick and won't make it regardless of what you do?

You could try to give them some Poly-Vi-Sol liquid vitamins. What are they eating?
Can you give us their symptoms? Maybe we can help then, but saying they are sick or dying, doesn't give us much to go by. Did they ever start eating and drinking? Are they cold or chilled? What temp is your brooder set for? How long before any problems start? How many days did it take for them to hatch? Where they weak at hatching? Premature? Were they small eggs? When turkeys first start to lay, they lay smaller eggs, like chicken pullets do and are not as large or as strong as the yearling turkey eggs and sometimes need a little more TLC. If you could give us more to go by, maybe we could be of some help with your problem?
They start out ok, eating and drinking. Then they become lethargic and stop eating or drinking. I have taken a couple that died to the Poultry Diagnostic Lab to see if they can tell me what was going on.
Did you start them on a medicated turkey starter? Some folks tend to be purists and will not use medicated feed. I personally will use whatever works.
They start out ok, eating and drinking. Then they become lethargic and stop eating or drinking. I have taken a couple that died to the Poultry Diagnostic Lab to see if they can tell me what was going on.
Let us know what the lab said.


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