PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

FYI: There was a really nice goat dairy in Lake County (Scott's Valley ?) just a short windey drive from you.
It is a beautiful valley in the north east part of the lake before you get to Upper Lake.
Can't remember the name of the dairy, maybe google yelloe pages in Scott's Valley CA or Upper Lake CA for goats milk.
There is no milk as good as fresh goats' milk.

hope this works...,+CA&q=Goat+Dairy
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Hey HenCackle, hi from over the mt. from you.....frow Thanks for the link, I have been looking for someone who sell raw milk, hopefully this will work out.

Hi Miss Lydia!

Here is what I found on North Carolina's stand on raw milk: (click here to read the laws for other states)
North Carolina
The sale or dispensing of raw milk for human consumption is illegal. This ban extends to cow share agreements or to any other contractual arrangement or exchange.

State law does permit farmers to "dispense" raw milk and raw milk products for animal feed.

Update, August 2007
The state Senate passed SB948, a bill that would repeal the state’s ban on cow shares for those farmers owning ten cows or less. The bill will next go to the House of Representatives for consideration. Currently, the only access to raw milk is by buying pet milk. In an effort to eliminate this, the state department of agriculture has proposed an administrative regulation requiring that all raw pet milk contain a charcoal dye.

Update, Spring 07
Senator Kay Hagan is sponsoring the bill to reverse the
ban on cow shares. The bill is being drafted and will be introduced during the present legislative session. At the appropriate time, we will send out an Action Alert to North Carolina members. Steve Troxler, the state commissioner of agriculture, is adamantly opposed to the bill and stated that his agency plans to introduce legislation to require green dye in pet milk, so we have an uphill battle ahead. Ruth Ann Foster is spearheading our efforts in North Carolina. She can be contacted at (336) 286-3088, [email protected]

Looks like you will need to round up some folks to convince your lawmakers to change the law. I'm sure Shawn Dady, of Tennesseans for Raw Milk will be happy to give you some advice.

Thank you, Chickielady for those links!
Thanks for taking the time to look this up about the raw milk, hopefully I will be able to find some one close who has some, I use to buy it when we lived in Asheville. I don't even drink milk anymore, mostly drink buttermilk and keifer, if I could find raw milk I would start again. Hope to start making my own buttermilk and keifer soon though.
I actually started a new batch of sourdough starter just yesterday! My old batch kept getting shoved to the back of the fridge and I had forgotten to feed it in I can't tell you how long, so, I decided to start a new one. Smells good already...........

I may have found a source for some fresh goat's milk. If I try it and I like it, I may be able to trade eggs for it! Yay!

Well, it's the end of day 5 without a hasn't been easy, but I am working through it. I have found that as long as I stay busy, I don't think about it, and then I'm ok. The hardest thing isn't the nicotine (for me, anyway) it's the habit itself. Not lighting up as soon as I get into the car is a really big one, talking on the phone is another. Boy, is my house clean though!

Still waiting on my cultures-hopefully tomorrow. I bought 2 gallons of milk today so that I am prepared-plus I want to make a new batch of yogurt and maybe some buttermilk.......hmmmm, I may need more milk!

Congratulations,WCW!!! If you need help staying busy, I'll buy you a plane ticket and you can come clean my house:lol:!

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