PROBIOTICS for you and your chickens

I read that if you leave unpasturized apple cider vinegar in a container open to air it will eventually grow a mother culture that looks similar to a SCOBY. It is thinner and more easily broken up. You can then use the mother to culture regular apple cider, and just add some of the vinegar to the cider with the culture.

I haven't tried it yet, just read about it! I'll try and see if I can dig up the link to that information.

I buy spectrum organic apple cider vinegar from my local co-op. It has cloudy little buts floating in it....I'm thinking about leaving it in a wide mouth jar with cheese cloth over it and see what happens!

Edited to add link:
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Thanks Trish! Tell me about Epernix....what all does it cover and what is the dose? I was going to use Ivermectin drop on for my second worming, but the no egg withdrawl sounds great. I had also heard that Ivermectin controls external parasites. This it for horses?
Does anyone know if you should eat the eggs from a hen that has been wormed? There are protocols when worming horses and then slaughtering for human consumption. There may not be any restrictions for chickens and eggs. This has just gotten me curious........
Wanted to check in today and say I strained my entire jar of kefir last night and put the noodles back in their jar with milk..and the towel top..and I added to the cottage cheesy whey:
A 1 gallon sized pack of Hidden Valley Ranch blue cheese dressing, and 1/2 jar of mayo, stirred..and I thought DH would eat the entire jar of Blue Cheese dressing with a spoon!
I cannot eat blue cheese and it is always cultured on bread..but he can and boy does he say it is the best he has ever had!
Bye kefir crazies!!
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sounds yummy
Hi Robin
So question did you just add the blue cheese or how about adding a bunch of Blue Cheese Crumbles! I Think that would be the ultimate Chunky Blue Cheese dressing I am going to try that and maybe make the Mayo Homemade! Ohhhhhh I am getting Hungry!!!! Here is a website for homemade Mayo!! Think I am gonna try it YUMMMMMMOOOOOOO


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