Production Reds

Hi guys!

I think my hen, Blu, is a production red. I honestly cant tell the difference between that and Rhode Island Reds, but I think she is a production red. Here are some pictures of her.

Cute photos! Your girl does look like a pretty Production Red. She looks so relaxed and happy!

She is darker in hue than many PR, who are often pale golden brown tones to almost chocolate hues, but she does not actually appear to be a heritage RIR.

Heritage Rhode Island Reds are a very dark, mahogany/ brown-red color, and are often 1-3 lbs heavier in weight than PR hens. Production birds usually have a higher tail set, and the hybrid hens often have pinched tails usually from a lack of breeder selection. Heritage RIR hens most often bred to have low tail sets, with a wide tail tent. Their feathers often are silkier, while some PRs can have brittle feathers. Heritage should lay a large, brown egg.

In our freeranging PR flock, we have both light and darker chickens- and they lay anything but a brown egg, lol. (Lots of pastels- pink, peach, pink-purple, ivory, white, tan, beige. Just few brown, lol.) Most lay a medium sized egg most of the time. I think PRs are highly underrated. They are high energy workaholics but they can be very friendly and affectionate!

Cute photos! Your girl does look like a pretty Production Red. She looks so relaxed and happy!

She is darker in hue than many PR, who are often pale golden brown tones to almost chocolate hues, but she does not actually appear to be a heritage RIR.

Heritage Rhode Island Reds are a very dark, mahogany/ brown-red color, and are often 1-3 lbs heavier in weight than PR hens. Production birds usually have a higher tail set, and the hybrid hens often have pinched tails usually from a lack of breeder selection. Heritage RIR hens most often bred to have low tail sets, with a wide tail tent. Their feathers often are silkier, while some PRs can have brittle feathers. Heritage should lay a large, brown egg.

In our freeranging PR flock, we have both light and darker chickens- and they lay anything but a brown egg, lol. (Lots of pastels- pink, peach, pink-purple, ivory, white, tan, beige. Just few brown, lol.) Most lay a medium sized egg most of the time. I think PRs are highly underrated. They are high energy workaholics but they can be very friendly and affectionate!

Thank you! And thanks for the info, too!

I love all of your chickens, they are all so pretty!

Blu lays medium brown eggs, but since she is 3 years old I think she is pretty much done laying now. She used to lay every day but just about a week ago she laid about every two days or so, which I have no problem with. We have ducks and get their eggs, but I do prefer chicken eggs over duck eggs. I know all chicken eggs taste the same but I prefer brown eggs over white eggs, haha.
Well,mines are nice and great layers(Btw Good for companionship.)She lays All day Everyday!I have 4.All 4 great!I love little red the most though!

Little Red

No Name

Cinnamon.1 infront.\
Silly Lilly.She doesn't lay though.

Most production reds have their OWN names still considered PRODUCTION REDS though.
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i'm sorry to say my production red, dixie, has died of eggbond.
I was told my two reds were RIR. Come to find out from many more knowledgeable BYCers that they are most likely PRs. Y'all agree?

They look like handsome PR roosters to me. I really like (most) PR roosters personalities. Some can be extremely friendly and affectionate.
Love all the pictures!

Sometime in the future I am hoping to breed and sell Production Reds. I heard they were the most popular breed of chicken in the US, is this true?

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