Prolapsed vent AND I found 14 soft-shelled eggs all stuck together

To cull a chicken there is always the newbie friendly beheading but that is traumatic for someone who keeps them as pets due to the random firing nerves that causes it to flap. There is also the sticking method that reduces the movement and makes the chicken brain dead.

To stick: toe the birds feet and then hang it upside down or place in a killing cone. Using a sharp knife, cut the throat at the base of the neck being sure to cut the jugular. Immediately insert the knife into the birds mouth and force it through the roof of the mouth toward the back of the head into the brain cavity and give the knife a quarter turn. The piercing of the brain causes a squawk and a convulsive flap of the feathers.
To cull a chicken there is always the newbie friendly beheading but that is traumatic for someone who keeps them as pets due to the random firing nerves that causes it to flap. There is also the sticking method that reduces the movement and makes the chicken brain dead.

To stick: toe the birds feet and then hang it upside down or place in a killing cone. Using a sharp knife, cut the throat at the base of the neck being sure to cut the jugular. Immediately insert the knife into the birds mouth and force it through the roof of the mouth toward the back of the head into the brain cavity and give the knife a quarter turn. The piercing of the brain causes a squawk and a convulsive flap of the feathers.

:( Yep- that's definitely something my husband or someone else will have to do for me. I'm too attached. But I know it's most likely necessary. I appreciate your help.
I know it seems like not the answer you want to hear but treating egg binding or internal laying may require hormone tx or spay to stop to protect the life of the chicken additionally she may need flushing by a vet to make sure she has cleared the debris otherwise she can get infected and die. May need antibiotics. Vent prolapse can be so severe it may need suturing by a vet. This could be the possible needs for treatment not sure how much you want to do for the chicken to save the life. May not be able to lay anymore. :(
So sorry for the situation. So many times our girls have problems that we’re just not aware of. In this case she clearly let you know what she’s got going on. Allot of times we just wonder and never actually know. Her egg laying is perhaps the most incredible thing I’ve actually seen.
Thank you for your post.
Do what is right for you.

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