protecting free rangers


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2016
Memphis, TN
Complete newbie trying to figure things out - if you have a free ranger, how do you protect them from predators? I am away from the house during the day, I am nervous about a million things that could do wrong when I am not there to look out for them. I'm torn between complete freedom, and having a large movable run, but I don't see how that would keep predators from coming UNDER the run. Looking for any advice you can offer.
My protection is in my set up. There are things to hide under, and the field is kept mowed enough so the birds can see a long way, we also keep donkeys and goats which help, as well as multiple roosters. We are fine until someone finds us than we have to deal with the predator. Sometimes totally free ranging means you are willing to take some losses. We have many hawks but I only lost one duck to them, coyotes and foxes are our worst enemy, both will often require a gun.

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