Pullet raised indoors needs to go out to barn


11 Years
Nov 30, 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hi, I posted here a few weeks ago about my little chick with coryza. We treated her and I removed an abscess behind her eye, and she seems to be flourishing now. She’s about a ¾ size chicken, technically still a pullet and has been raised indoors all this time. She acts more like a parrot than a chicken, learning tricks, playing with cat toys and making sounds to get my attention.
I’ll be having shoulder surgery in ten days and have to make a decision. The other chickens have their coop in our barn with an exit to their chicken run outdoors. We lock them in their coop at night so the foxes and coyotes won’t get them. We found a 6’ x 4’ x4’ steel dog kennel we put in the barn next to the coop where the chickens and the pullet can see each other but still be separate. I’m wanting to put her in the kennel (with lots of straw and a dirt box she can take dust baths in) before my surgery but am concerned that the night time temperature in the barn will be too hard for her to get used to that suddenly. Outside at night the temps are in the teens; at night in the coop in the barn the temp gets to 40 and in the daytime maybe 50’s. Will she be able to go from indoor temps in the 70’s to night time temps in the 40’s? Will she need a heat lamp over the kennel that she will be living in? She does have a big black feather duster she sleeps on; it’s her “surrogate mom”. Thanks for all your help.

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