Purebred Hatching Eggs ~ Many Breeds, Mix and Match


11 Years
Sep 19, 2008
Northern Central Virginia
We are offering purebred hatching eggs in the following breeds available to ship Monday-Wednesday every week:
Note: Since we don't ship eggs over 3 days old, the number in ( ) is the MAX for that breed. Price is PER EGG so you can mix and match.
These are all purebred birds, bred to the standard, not hatchery stock. We are NPIP and AI-clean Certified.

CHICKEN HATCHING EGGS: Buy 10 we'll send 12, Buy 20 we'll send 25!
Buff Orpington (36) $2.50 per egg
BBS (1pen-12) or White & Barred (2nd pen-24) Standard Cochins $5.00 per egg
Dominique (36) $2.50 per egg
Silkie : Buff, Black & Paint, Blue & Splash, White (all bearded) (12 from all pens) $3.50 per egg
Leghorn (White, Paint, & Exchequer color crosses) (25) $2.50 per egg
Silver Pencilled Rocks (18) $5.00 per egg
French Black Copper & Blue Copper Marans (Blue Copper roo over Black Copper hens) (6) $5.00 per egg
Bantam Mottled Cochins (2) $5.00 per egg
Blue & Black Ameraucanas (12)

Rare Breeds: $7.50 per egg
Gold Laced Wyandottes (12)
Coronation & Light Sussex (same pen, so you can get either one or splits) (12)
Lavender Ameraucanas (6 Lav hens and 1 Black split to Lav hen with Black split to Lav roo) (12)
Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons (6)
Lavender Orpingtons (3 Lav hens and 1 Black split to Lav hen with Lav roo) (6)

Just starting to lay for the year:
Olive Eggers

Turkeys are laying!! Heritage Bronze, Narragansett, Bourbon Red (all separate pens) $4.00 per egg (current maximum is 6 ea)
Royal Palms are just starting to lay and there is a wait list on those.

Also available this year in limited quantities:(Laying is currently sporadic so no guarantee on exact ship date with these)
Muscovy duck eggs $2.50 (8+) (Choc, Pied, Blue Fawn in one pen, Blue and Lavender Pied in another)
Guinea eggs (6+) (Lavender, Royal Purple, and White in 2 pens) $3.00 per egg

We double bubble wrap and double box our eggs and try to include extras when we can. Orders of 24 we use foam shippers that hold 25. Shipping is Priority Mail and based on actual cost +$2.50 per doz for all the bubble wrap and packing peanuts, or foam shipper (our cost) :) We CAN Fed Ex eggs if you prefer.
Average cost for shipping 1 doz is $10 in VA, $14 East Coast, $16 Central US, and $19 West Coast. Additional dozens add about $4 to shipping costs.

Fine Print: We are hatching these same eggs and so fertility is confirmed, however, we cannot guarantee that the eggs we ship you will hatch due to the many variables in shipping and incubation. A 50% hatch rate is considered by many people as an average hatch on shipped eggs. IF you have a bad hatch let us know and we will work with you.

PM us or email [email protected] for a shipping date estimate or reservation and include your zip code for a shipping cost estimate.
See photos of our birds at www.gardiennewings.com .

Thanks for looking!
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Hello - I'm interested in putting together an order!
Leghorns (prefer paint and exchequer cross) - 10
Silver penciled rocks - 6
Heritage Bronze Turkey eggs - 6
I'm in Pennsylvania
Thank you!
Hi, the silkies are separated into the following pens: Silver Partridge, Buff, White, Blue & Splash together, Black & Paint together. They are currently not laying well after laying all winter I guess they needed a break :-/
Celtics33 - I do not have Speckled Sussex. I currently have a few Coronation/Light Sussex chicks available and can have eggs anytime as they are laying well. The Light and Coronation are penned together so any chicks could be either one or Light split to Coronation.

Thanks Gardienne Wings. Currently, I have found someone somewhat local (2 hours away) that I've ordered a dozen from. Hopefully, I will have my flock complete within the month.

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