Purina Layena PLUS Omega-3 Poultry Feed


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
Does anyone use this feed? Is this a new feed? How long has it been on the market? How much does it cost? What more does this feed do that the others don't?

It's fairly new. Just came out this year that I'm aware of. It's fairly expensive when you consider that they're selling it in a 40lb bag instead of the customary fifty. Reckon it out on a per pound price and it's over $19 for fifty pounds at my local supplier.

What it does is supply a larger amount of Omega 3 fatty acids than their other feeds (flax seeds, etc). Too expensive for my needs, but some folks may find otherwise.
Yes, that's what I did and I did get the coupon. At first I thought that the coupon was for Layena pellets but when I looked closely at the coupon, I noticed that it was for this "new" feed. I haven't seen this feed at my local TSC yet.
Can you enter the sweepstakes on the Purina site or just on Facebook? I am not into Facebook, just don't get the hype. It makes me mad that some good companies have closed there great websites for the drivel of one liners on Facebook. JMHO

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