Quail Info and Resouces


8 Years
Feb 2, 2011
New Market, Al
While reading books on how to raise quail can be very informative and give you a "heads up" on what you are getting into, nothing beats the hands on raising them yourself. You will learn far more in one week of keeping quail, than you will from books.

I cannot make any recommendations on reading material as there is just not that much out there. The best thing you can do is read up on all you can, start keeping them, and then come here with any questions you might have. The folks on these forums have encountered so much more than books can tell you and can relate to the real life scenerio's that you also may be encountering.

Good luck with your new quail ventures!
While reading books on how to raise quail can be very informative and give you a "heads up" on what you are getting into, nothing beats the hands on raising them yourself. You will learn far more in one week of keeping quail, than you will from books.

I cannot make any recommendations on reading material as there is just not that much out there. The best thing you can do is read up on all you can, start keeping them, and then come here with any questions you might have. The folks on these forums have encountered so much more than books can tell you and can relate to the real life scenerio's that you also may be encountering.

Good luck with your new quail ventures!
I agree with him. The best thing is trying to do something than just sit and think so long, but I know the site which is very good, but it is in Russian perepel.com I got a lot of useful things from that site, even the link to this site I took from it.
Correction: I agree with her.


Those are pretty good books and articles, so it's probably time once you've read and digested the info, to dip your foot into the water and get keeping quail......
I think if you've read all those, then you are ready.... good luck!
I have bought my incubator, ordered 25 hatching eggs and my brooder will be ready next week. Thanks ya'll in the meantime I'll be reading threads on this forum.

I am keeping up with my progress on my web site.
That's great news! I'm sure it will work great, especially since you've done a lot of background reading and gained such a lot of knowledge. Keep us updated.

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