Quail quit laying


6 Years
Apr 11, 2014
Northeast Missouri
My quail were laying almost every day until the last three days and they have tapered off dramatically. Its been rainy and cool. Will that effect their laying? They look healthy. They aren't eating as much but they are drinking.
Something stressed them out most likely. Predators or loud noises. Or someone's leaving a light on all night and they're starting a molt. Are you seeing excess feathers around the coop?
Even the stress from lack of sleep with the light being on can be enough. They can be really finicky at times. As long as the light didn't trigger a molt you're fine.
This is only my second year of raising quail. How does all night light cause molting? My book on raising quail from the US Department of Agriculture says you can. I was leaving it on 17 hours.
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24 hours of light can confuse their body to the point they molt or perhaps stress is the actual trigger. There is no animal (humans included) that functions properly when subjected to 24 hours of light. Stress level will rise after even one day of extended light. supplementing light to quail is fine as long as they have a lights out period to sleep. The drawback when providing supplemental light to poultry and game birds is that it will shorten their lifespan. Do not expect coturnix quail on forced production to live too long past 1.5-2 years.

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