Quiet Peafowl, Anybody interested???


8 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Hey everybody. Heres my introduction. Im a veterinarian in eastern OK, I have worked up a procedure to lessen the volume that a rooster has when he crows. My mentor who taught me this procedure says the anatomy of pea fowl is the same as in chickens. He told me this procedure works to quieten down pea fowl. I have heard of people interested in this, some of the zoos actually.

Anyway, I have never tried this on a peacock but have been successful with roosters. So, Im posting this question to see if there is any interest in offering this procedure. If somebody is interested and willing, I would do the surgery on a bird for free to see how well it works.

Any opinions are appreciated. You can check out my decrowing thread here on BYC too.

Thanks heaps.

Dr. James
My peafowl are very quiet,,,,,from about October to March,,not a peep outta them.I actually miss the cat calls and harrassment I get during feeding-watering time now kinda like being in a dead zone.To me the noise is expected and part of Peafowl being Peafowl.Now the wifey would like your idea especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
I think most people who own peafowl enjoy the noise. Some neighbors do, too, and of course some don't. I, personally, can't wait until mine start yelling. :)
I love the sounds of my peafowl & my wife can imitate them which really gets'em talking....sounds like i'm in the jungle. She learned to make the sound of a hen turkey this spring, she got so good at it that one of our toms was really starting to like her....alot.
Seems like peafowl owners are pretty committed people. I didn't think most of the breeders would be interested in making them quiet. I was just getting a feel, and I'd like to try it on one someday. Thanks.

Dr. James
Dr. James.. most breeders realize that the sound is of course how the birds make alarms.. talk to each other.. call the chicks to the hens,, males make the sounds when breeding.. I guess it would be like taking out my vocal cords..(( some people think that would be a good idea )) . For the most part if you like peacocks you like the sounds also..
Stromburgs has an artical about the way to do this in their book on peafowl. some 25-30 yrs ago.... george
My peas "voices" let me know when there is a predator nearby. Where we live now we don't have to worry about anything but the hawks and falcons, but the last place we had issues with coyotes. So to me, de-vocalizing them is like de-clawing cats.
I was just wondering if there are many pea-pet owners. I figure most that have them are very serious about them, where as alot of chickens are pets. What book describes the procedure? Id really like to read it. I've never really understood the declawing cats analogy. The number one killer of domestic cats in this country is euthanasia due to behavioral problems. Zoos are where I was told the interest would be for this procedure. Thanks all.

Dr. James
An animal that is not used primarily for work, food, breeding or sold for monetary gain. The value (emotional) of the animal is greater to the owner than actual market value of the animal.

Dr. James

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