Raising chickens...in the city...on the roof???

The rooftop patio is private and belongs to me only. It is the top floor of a detached townhouse I am purchasing. I would not put my chickens up on a communal rooftop, lol.

Thanks everyone for your input - this has been incredibly insightful. I am leaning towards rooftop chickens not being as feasible as I dreamed, or at least extremely difficult to maintain for both myself and the wellbeing of the girls. We'll have to think of a plan B....
Got it. Yeah it's a tricky thing - I've seen stories about rooftop chicken setups in Seattle but I think it would be a lot of work to maintain, having to truck litter up and down from there and constantly checking on the integrity of the roof under the set up.

Only real plus side is obviously ground based predators wouldn't get to the birds, I guess.
Thanks everyone so far for your input! Duly noted on all of the pointers mentioned.

Thoughts on....free ranging on a rooftop? I'd hate for them to be locked up in a run all the time, but the possibility of falling off a rooftop is a real fear 😨
I'm less concerned with aerial predators (I'll be in the heart of a dense city), than the chickens themselves falling off, but both are definitely a concern. But sounds like free ranging on a rooftop is a no go 😅

Maybe I'll just turn the whole roof into a huge run hahaha
Really the legality of it is the main thing. You own the building? The generic photo you included looks like a shared rooftop patio, probably not a place for chickens unless management is okay with it.

There's probably also some consideration for the potential of damage to the surface of the roof top from moisture, and you'd need a plan on how to manage litter as well since you can't simply pitch it off the building.
I live in Baltimore City and hawks are a huge problem. I mean, they are wonderful, but they pick off my smaller chickens. It would probably be "illegal" to roof keep your birds, but it's a CYA law- if your neighbors don't report you, you are good. But food up and poop down - I certainly wouldn't have any MORE than 4. I think your best bet is to rehome them and visit.

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