Raising Guinea Fowl 101

I let mine outside at 12 weeks. I was told that before that they don't have a great internal temperature regulation. Of course, it was cold here then, so I was more worried. If it was during a season when it was actually WARM I would be happy to let them out as soon as they were feathered I think!
I just put mine outside three days ago at just over two and a half weeks. Mind you they are in a small chicken barn with a brooder light but they were pooping all over my house and I could no longer contain them....I miss them terribly even though they are only 50 feet from the house.
After several weeks of egg-per-day laying by our three guinea hens, laying has completely stopped. Happened the day after our evening temps dropped to below 55. We found it odd as the chickens are still laying, even with a few of them starting to go through molt. They've always laid in the same place, never acted like they wanted to set the nest - and we've checked the entire yard thoroughly. No eggs anywhere. I'll keep my eyes peeled, but we just found this odd as all get-out!
We have built several purch's for our Guineas and they see to prefer ones without a roof. Is there a way to get them under a roof? We have pretty cold winters and I am concerned about them getting too cold in snow and ice.

J Derrick
We have built several purch's for our Guineas and they see to prefer ones without a roof. Is there a way to get them under a roof? We have pretty cold winters and I am concerned about them getting too cold in snow and ice.

J Derrick
Ours will perch on the 6ft dog kennel fencing, in the pine tree etc if you don't get out there early enough.
My little brats are herded into their house every night for their own safety! (Warmth and safe from Predators) It gets very cold here in the winter. Last winter something spooked them and they were about 30 feet up in the pine trees. It only went down to 8 degrees that night but I was so worried - everyone was fine in the morning.
I wish I knew how to get them to go to bed on their own, but ours don't. They do come home (free range), but have to be tucked in!
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My adult female is setting on her third nest this year--seems a little late...I took away the other babies to raise but she seems determined to have some for herself!

Has anyone had any luck moving a nest after dark? I'd like to put her in a caged pen with a box for her nest to keep the predators from her. It has been chilly the last few weeks and I don't even know if her eggs are viable (she has been sitting on the nest for three day/nights now).
My brats are still contained but no longer get in their cubby! They just sit there and pout! They are spooked b/c a coyote got my snarky rooster who would not stay in the pen. They just got their knots on their heads....so cute, but still minors so not released! tee hee...How do I get them in their cubby at night???
hi guys

Warming up the incubator for approx 40 guinea fowl eggs that I have just stolen from a nest outside! Not sure how old they all are, but what is the worst that can happen? I would say a few if the eggs would be over a week old, but they all look good and none are rotten.... so wish me luck!

Other than NDChickRancher, does anyone else have a hen on a nest or any eggs in the incubator? I'm in Aus, so just coming into spring here.... whilst most of you are preparing for winter!
hi guys

Warming up the incubator for approx 40 guinea fowl eggs that I have just stolen from a nest outside! Not sure how old they all are, but what is the worst that can happen? I would say a few if the eggs would be over a week old, but they all look good and none are rotten.... so wish me luck!

Other than NDChickRancher, does anyone else have a hen on a nest or any eggs in the incubator? I'm in Aus, so just coming into spring here.... whilst most of you are preparing for winter!
Good luck! :)
I just put mine outside three days ago at just over two and a half weeks. Mind you they are in a small chicken barn with a brooder light but they were pooping all over my house and I could no longer contain them....I miss them terribly even though they are only 50 feet from the house.

When my daughter was walking around with her 3mon 2 week old guinea on her arm, It crossed my mind about the questions if they could be really tame. Then when she put it up on her shoulder and was walking around I got off my lazy butt and got the camera!
Thought you might want to see.


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