Random shots of our five girls (photo heavy)

They are all beautiful especially your light brahma! Glad the integration went well. I will be moving my 16 weekers in with my hens in a few weeks and I am hoping all goes well, it will be interesting to say the least.

Oh and every time I see your avatar I get an instant need for some hot coffee! Yum!
Thank you all!

It is indeed time for more....just have to get going on that second coop and run now.

Coffee is life. I'm glad my avatar furthers that desire!
We introduced the girls to watermelon last night!

At first, they weren't sure what to make of it:

But after a little coaxing, they realized how tasty it was.


All that was left when they were done later that night was the rind!

The Wellies have integrated quite well, though they always stick close together. Here they are on their favourite roost in the run.
A little over a month has passed....I've been bad about keeping up with the photos.
These were taken tonight. I am still amazed at how quickly they are growing! Our three older girls are really starting to show red in the combs and wattles, too!

Here's the whole gang enjoying some fresh greens.

Pot Pie in all her glory.

Cordon Bleu looking quite stately.

The Wellies....they are almost the same size as Cordon Bleu now!

And a bunch of Kiev, because she seems to be the one always in front of the camera.


(I have turned into her favourite perch!)


And the last one, because it turned out well. All three of the older girls were sneaking up on me from the side!
St-Hubert's been taking most of the photos of our girls, so I've been quiet. But today, I did my routine check up on the girls and their nesting boxes when I got home from work, and...


Our little Bleu the Easter Egger is all grown up and laying eggs! First egg at just shy of 20 weeks and I don't think Pot Pie (our Buff Orpington) is too far behind Bleu so I'm expecting to start finding brown eggs in the near future too.

Nice egg!!! Congratulations. You have some handsome hens there. You're Wellies are looking great!!! I have 9 Wellie girls that should begin to lay in the next few weeks. I have 2 Red Star hens that are already laying nice brown eggs, and I have 3 EE girls that will hopefully lay nice blue eggs soon. Chickens are such fun!

Hope you enjoyed the blueberries that you picked out at our place earlier this summer. We had a long (hot), but bountiful crop this year, and are now closed for this season.

Looking forward to seeing more first egg pictures.

Had to show this off. The camera didn't quite catch the colour properly, but Bleu's pale-blue egg is in the upper part of the photo, with a store-bought white egg in the lower.
Look how golden the yolk is!


And then the three remaining eggs all lined-up. We ate the first and third.

So far, Bleu has laid one egg a day, seems they arrive between 10 and noon. A little late for breakfast that day, but....

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