Rare Blue Fawn Rouens

Okay, silver phased could mean a variety of different things. If you are saying 2 or 3 out of 10 or so were showing blue then this would make sense that the mother would of had 1 dose of incompletely dominant blue in her.

The odds of this passing this to her offspring with a Rouen drake in the mix is 50%. The 2 or 3 out of 10 puts you exactly in this range. It is not possible for the Saxony / Rouen theory to exist if 50% of the ducklings are wild mallard colour and 50% showing 1 dose of blue.

I suspect that the mother has 1 dose of blue whoever she may be. (this is an extremely educated guess).
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I am having trouble following this, what do you mean by a silver phased Rouen?  If the female was a Saxony and the drake was Rouen or atleast wild mallard colour then all of the ducklings would be split for light phase + heterozygous completely dominant blue. 

If you are saying that not all of the ducklings were heterozygous for blue then this couldn't be from a saxony, but rather a blue trout or blue fawn, something with heterozygous incompletely dominant blue.

Since these all likely aren't from the same parents, I think there is a chance that these particular two in question were from the saxony, and the rest could be purebred rouens. Or these two could be runner crosses and the others still purebred rouen. We'll have to wait for Welshies to get more info from the breeder to confirm :)
Yes, rouens come in a color called "Rouen Clair", which is a trout phased Rouen. Asside from that, I believe that in order to prove that you have pure rouens you will have to do some test crosses because I honestly don't think that most people will believe that you have had 2 similar mutations in one hatch.
Sorry, was that Chinese?

I don't understand this special talk. I don't go down to specifics. Not all of the ducklings were a silver phase. By silver phase, I mean blue fawn- they had light silver down sections where the others had yellow, and the black markings remained the same.
I suggest to you, too stop posting all these strange questions and then you wont get replies that are not what your asking for.....I start threads that go no where, because no one really has an answer...
Look after your Ducks the way you want....I do....
I suggest to you, too stop posting all these strange questions and then you wont get replies that are not what your asking for.....I start threads that go no where, because no one really has an answer...
Look after your Ducks the way you want....I do....

Please don't offer advice like this. It's counterproductive to making the forum a better place for sharing thoughts and ideas. If you think the OP could have worded the question better, provide an example of what you think they are asking and point out what makes your wording different from theirs. If you understand the other commenters points that OP is admitting their struggle to understand, then by all means break it down for them. Otherwise your response comes of as quite callous by basically saying don't ask questions since you don't understand the answer.

Incomplete dominance is a weird concept, especially if you aren't familiar with the concepts of Mendelian genetics. It's unfair to expect everyone to know what the other commenter is saying immediately upon providing an answer.
Okay, so one lady had a Saxony x Rouen and it was white, somehow.
The lady's Runners were grey (silver grey, not brown grey) and the other had "a little brown on it".
The Saxony was light tan.
She said that she has never had a Blue Fawn Rouen, either.
Who's got any ideas?

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