
Killing rattlers here is illegal, too (we have timber rattlers, though they're mostly in the southern part of the state—thank God, copperheads and Massasauga are bad enough). Call your local conservation officer or animal control. Probably safer for everyone all around—especially since, as @Mtnboomer noted, even the venomous snakes do far more good than harm, generally speaking.
Timber rattlers (actually all snakes) are illegal to kill here. It's called the 3 S. Shoot, Shovel, Shut up.

I have no problem relocating rattle snakes, right to a frying pan. Tan the hides to make leather goods, and use the inners in fish traps. Now I'm craving some rattler

Ha, you sound like my dad, uncle, and grandfather! ;D
It's illegal to kill rattlers here as well - UNLESS you believe they are a threat to you, your family, or your livestock. Most places that make it illegal to kill venomous snakes, and even eagles and mountain lions, make exception for those that are a threat.

In the 3 years we've been here, we've killed 2 and a 3rd bit my cat last summer. Thankfully, the cat survived - with a lot of help from me and a "thanks for nothin'" for the vet who said he couldn't do anything for the cat and they "never" survive rattlesnake bites.
The only snakes I kill purposely are Northern Water Snakes. They eat lots of small fish and kill some that are to big to swallow. They also bite the crap out of me when they get stuck in netting and I am trying to extricate them.

I have killed milk snakes with lawn mower, especially when cutting with blade deck very low. Osage Copperheads are moved. Timber Rattlers do not seem to come above woodline so not an issue.
Big fat viper under a Rubbermaid lid in the yard, slithered under the enclosed wooden coop. We’ve had oak snakes steal eggs but not lately (Saw on security cam) because we closed up holes. I have two traps I’ve used to get non-venomous snakes in. What bait for a rattler? Suggestions? Not inclined to relocate this varmint. How to eliminate it? What if there are dozens under there? Second viper in 30 years, north Florida. Too dry in this area for water moc, not near any pond or lake. (About a mile away)

In Texas we just mow over them and if you cant, shotgun. We have zero tolerance for snakes, especially rattle snakes.

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