Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

My daughter uses Braggs whenever she gets a face breakout. She saturates a cotton ball with straight vinegar and rubs her face down with it. She has spent hundreds of dollars trying to find something to clear up her face, then she read about using ACV. ACV starting clearing it up by the next day and by day 3, her face was totally clear.
don't buy the apple cider in the regular grocery store, you need the Pure unfiltered kind with the"mother" in the bottom. If you have a Kroger's grocery they carry it if not look for it in the natural foods section of your grocer. (except walmarts-they DO NOT CARRY A  NATURAL LINE OF FOOD PRODUCTS)  marrie

I noticed that Walmart started carrying the "Mothers ACV"
I haven't read this whole thread, but I read an older one here and they included this link:

What is so neat about it is that you can make your own ACV from fruit peelings/cores/etc. and it won't cost so much...which to me, is a big bonus! We have pear trees from which I plan to use the excess fruit and peelings in this DIY method. Sounds awesome to me since we use Braggs and it gets pricey.
Okay, I came on originally to find a ratio for my smaller water feeder (I only have six chicks) since like dummy I ripped the label off of the plastic jar when I got home but now I have a new question:

In reading my book (Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow) I read a snippet about adding ACV to their water and why. In reading it I saw nothing whatsoever about it having to be natural, organic, or have a "mother". So I want to know why all the hype, and is regular ACV fine? Or in other words, will regular ACV make my chicks sick?

I am not forking out a premium for ACV. I love my little chicks and want them to be healthy, but if I followed half of the stuff some people say on websites this would quickly become more of a cost endeavor than the outcome is worth. Not trying to say anything bad, I have wanted chickens since I was old enough to know what they are. I can handle the responsibility and purchasing the stuff to take care of them, but everyone keeps touting how great it is raising chickens and how you get your own eggs and compost benefits and all sorts of stuff and supposedly its supposed to be worth while and affordable.

I just want my chickens to be happy and healthy, as well as my wallet.

I made it through pretty far into the thread looking for a clear answer on this before giving up and posting a reply because this thing is 16 pages long.
Okay, I came on originally to find a ratio for my smaller water feeder (I only have six chicks) since like dummy I ripped the label off of the plastic jar when I got home but now I have a new question:

In reading my book (Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow) I read a snippet about adding ACV to their water and why. In reading it I saw nothing whatsoever about it having to be natural, organic, or have a "mother". So I want to know why all the hype, and is regular ACV fine? Or in other words, will regular ACV make my chicks sick?

I am not forking out a premium for ACV. I love my little chicks and want them to be healthy, but if I followed half of the stuff some people say on websites this would quickly become more of a cost endeavor than the outcome is worth. Not trying to say anything bad, I have wanted chickens since I was old enough to know what they are. I can handle the responsibility and purchasing the stuff to take care of them, but everyone keeps touting how great it is raising chickens and how you get your own eggs and compost benefits and all sorts of stuff and supposedly its supposed to be worth while and affordable. 

I just want my chickens to be happy and healthy, as well as my wallet. 

I made it through pretty far into the thread looking for a clear answer on this before giving up and posting a reply because this thing is 16 pages long.

I am using the regular organic brand for the last 5 years and my chickens are very happy and healthy. :)
In reading my book (Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow) I read a snippet about adding ACV to their water and why. In reading it I saw nothing whatsoever about it having to be natural, organic, or have a "mother". So I want to know why all the hype, and is regular ACV fine? Or in other words, will regular ACV make my chicks sick?

If you use a pasteurized ACV like Heinz, it won't hurt your chicks, but it isn't going to provide the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that unpasteurized ACV will provide. I don't think there is much benefit at all of using pasteurized ACV, but I could be wrong. You would be able to use plain old white vinegar if that were the case.
I use to paint cars. The iner Finder wells were gavinised and paint wouldn't stick to them. We would wet sand them with Viniger and it neutralized the metal and make the paint stick. So it dose something chemical to the metal

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