Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

I do this, but I do 2T each per 8oz water. It helps with toxins in the body. You can also bathe with it (for humans, not chickens, LOL)
This is a very good list of information
and the dosage I always used for the chickens is
2 tbsp of ACV to gallon of water
and NO do not use it with any thing in the water such as vitamins or medications
and in plastic or glass wterers

People been taking ACV for centuries and it really does help
helps the chickens to absorb Vit D and calcium and really is great for using in the incubator trays for the scum thast comes in the trays
a couple tbsp per tray and it is great

also put in the chicken waterers daily in the summer keeps the grren slime out of the waterers
thanks for all the information listed here
This is very interesting and what it does to sugar. I'm thinking this will help with horses as well. He's on a bio. something and he likes peppermint. I think I will cut out the sugar. It might be more harm then making him happy. Chickens and people, this is a good thing.
I started drinking a vinegar cocktail each day, since I joined this forum and learned about it. I can honestly say, it makes a big difference. I actually like the zippy tangy taste, with a little honey in it. I highly recommend it.
I have been having some pastey bums with some chicks and read on here that ACV helps fix that. How old do the chicks need to be?

I can tell you ACV is great for people, but now I get to experiment with other aniamals!!!!
I didn't start giving ACV to my chickie babies until they were a month old, but only because I didn't know what ACV was and how beneficial it is. I believe its alright to give it to younger chicks. I can't see how it would hurt.
My hubby takes ACV with honey everyday - however - he contracted lyme disease for the 4th time - the antibiotic the doctor gave him (doxycycline)was totally INEFFECTIVE and we didn't know why, very scary - he stopped taking the ACV and within 24 hours started showing positive results with the antibiotic - as I say to my husband - "Do what the doctor tells you, he has the degree and put the homeopathic stuff aside for a while"
Just a small something to be taken into consideration with the ACV
I love using ACV but I found I was getting heartburn from it - my DW found it in capsule form at the healthfood store which has been much kinder to my tummy! We stick to the liquid form for our animals.
I have not read all the posts, but this site http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/apple-cider-vinegar.shtml has a lot of info on ACV.
I found it while goolging "blood thinner vinegar" . See, if you drink TOO much of the stuff you might start exhibiting signs of too thin of blood (bloody noses for one).
I REALLY like iced ACV/honey!
We used to drink gallons in the summer. Then we started to get bloody noses. ACV is a good thing, but one must take it in moderation! (IE, NOT by the GALLON!
Oh, and another blood thinner is garlic. My FIL takes a blood thinner and we were at a loss as to why it all of a sudden was "working way better"... to make a long story short, he had been eating garlic sandwiches with a couple tablespoons of garlic on them at least 1 x a day!

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