Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinager

Could someone please post a link to miss prissy's recipe for ACV, or post the recipe. I can't find it anywhere.

I have a friend who swears by drinking a concoction of red pepper, lemon juice and I think she told me vinegar. It is believed that if you have the nerve to stick with it for 21 days, and fast, drinking only this, your body does a complete turn around for the person.
But, the articles that I read on the links say here to strain it so you don't get the mother. I always thought the mother was WHAT you did want, because you have to stir it up and get it all mixed before pouring. I buy mine at the health food store, $5.69 a quart, but will check Kroger's because that is the only place I can find Felsnapa soap for my homemade laundry detergent. I drive to visit my daughter an hour and half away and stock up because all the Kroger's are closed around me now.
I am really and truly going to start drinking it now though . . . .I know an old lady up the street for me years ago who was a little skinny old thing with a fat belly and she started taking two tsps. of vinegar every morning and night, and that belly went away. I did see that with my own eyes and they were fantastic cooks and bakers, and she never changed a thing. I am also going to start putting it into my dogs drinking water, as Onyx my little hairy boy has skin allergies, and this might help that too. . .this was a great TOPIC!!! I love learning about this stuff, and it looks like there is a whole club of us!!! We need to keep this going with other "home remedies." Although, I agree with the one post about medications and vinegar . . .might want to research before taking it if you are on medications. NOW, what else can we talk about?????
Is there any clinical evidence that this works for humans? Besides the few studies dealing with weight loss and diabetes. No offense, but there are so many factors that should be taken into consideration when making statements about prevention of illness, including a placebo effect.
I know that it works for me and as for clinical studies, I bet you could google it and find out.
I have used ACV for years and when I use it I don't get as many colds, sinus infections or flu. Joints feel better too.
When I don't use it, well I can tell. That's what reminds me to take it.
The only way to know if it will work for you is to try it. ACV should not be harmful to anyone that I am aware of.
However, I have heard that after taking ACV to rinse your mouth out with water so that the enamel on your teeth is not compromised.
There are books written about it and go onto the Bragg's vinegar site and read up. It is pretty interesting.
When I worked at a gym, I came into contact with hundreds of people a day and had to deal with their icky towels. I never missed one day in 6 years due to illness and I took the ACV every day.
I give it to my 35 year old horse, I mix it in with his afternoon grain so his supplements will stick to the grain. It helps with his digestion, and just seems to make him feel better. I suppose it would have similar benefits to chickens, it does with people anyways.

Here in Alberta, you can buy it in health food stores for about $35/4 liter jug. But I get it from the horse chiropractor/saddle fitter that also has a tack shop, and he sells it for only $20 a jug, and it's the exact same brand. So it might be worthwhile looking into places that sell horse supplements, especially if you are planning to use a lot.
Yesterday 11:42 am Is there any clinical evidence that this works for humans? Besides the few studies dealing with weight loss and diabetes. No offense, but there are so many factors that should be taken into consideration when making statements about prevention of illness, including a placebo effect.

Many studies and books written about it. Go to Braggs.com, or Amazon.com to see all the books. Many resources written by Dr's.​

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