Red Golden Pheasant Hen With Yellow Crown?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 29, 2013
Sask, Canada
I have a RG hen with a yellow crown. I just recently got into raising them. My younger hen never developed the yellow, is why I started looking into it.

I've gotten no answers nor pictures of any other Hen like her. I'm just wondering, she's my favourite Hen.


theres an old thread somewhere with the same thing. Its caused by some some of damage to the ovaries or other part of the reproductive system causing a hormone imbalance. Generally these birds will not be fertile.
Odd, I have 2 of 3 of her eggs that as far as I can tell are fertile in the incubator. And she is from a high end breeder and has been guaranteed she's purebred. Though I do understand with all the cross breeding somewhere down the line their could be a hiccup. Also she is young, only about a year and we were surprised to find her lay what seem to be fertile eggs. (We have 6 from her but only three have been in the incubator long enough to see if they were fertile)

Also this is very interesting and I will keep searching around for more info!! Thank you so much! She is my favorite so either way she has a permanent home here. Also the male with her is around the same age from the same breeder. He is younger then her and not full feather yet.

Is it common for them to breed young?
I've seen red hens with yellow crowns,but not that big.They are fertile the first year sometimes their best fertility is the first year.
In N.H.,Tony.
Thanks so much Tony! I guess I'll have to keep you guys up to date if I get any chicks out of her, and weather the yellow passes on. I'm looking to get another pair next year.
I know this is an old thread! But wanted to update!

I still have this hen, but she lost the yellow in her 2nd year. She has also produced many healthy chicks for us!
Kept the last 3 hens from her and working on finding a new male for them. None of her daughters ended up with any yellow at all.
The males are all super pretty RG's off of her as well.

She's still my favorite as she's eat out of your hand tame.

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