Red Golden Pheasant, how do I take care of him??

My questions are how do I take care of this guy? I just got him on Tuesday and want to take care of him the right way. He is my first Pheasant.

For example..what kind of housing does he need?

What do I feed him?

Can he live with a Peahen through the winter?

Thank you in advance.

Not to be condescending, unless it was an emergency rescue, I think all of the questions you have just posted should have been researched before you acquired the bird - same go for any animal. It's the responsible thing to do - research, research, research, and just when you think you're done researching, I guarantee you find more!! The are no experts in the animal world, we learn something new everyday, just people who are knowledgeable. These are basic care questions that, as I said unless a emergency rescue, you shouldn't need to ask in a forum or find a new home for the bird. Getting any animal for a "good price" and not knowing it's care just isn't responsible. If you were offered a Carmine Bee-eater for $10, would you take it?

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Thanks Dan, but you are being rude.
People like you are the reason people don't ask for help. Now I see what people are saying about people on BYC.
Thanks kbell, I take that has a compliment!! Honestly though, when dealing with living animals, research should be done before one acquires said animals. All too often is not done and I find it that to be rude.

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Kbell, just keep the golden red pheasant the same way you keep your peafowls (assuming you're not freeranging the peafowl that is) and you'll be fine. Your experience and skill for keeping your peafowls should be sufficient and can be applied to other galliformes like your pheasant.
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You did NOT get it wrong, Kbell. But have you ever read comments on youtube? Some are just rude, some are on there simply to insult others, and some seem so superior to everyone. You can research, research, research, and still the next day find something you didn't know. Besides, though I do a good bit of reading on animals, I'm not a vet and don't have time to spend all day on research. There are small differences, but all pheasants, including peafowl, which is in the family, take generally the same kind of care.
Kbell, remember in the wild Pheasants don't have shelters. I see a lot of people just using barrels, doghouses- even hollow logs. Some just put cedar limbs piled up as a windbreak. Anything large enough for them to get out of the rain and/or a cold wind. I took old barrels and covered them with hay, and put hay inside it. For my ringnecks, I put two barrels in since each of my pens has 6 birds. That way 3 can get in each.
Planted evergreens in an aviary work very well . Many species will take pruning very well and they make they best natural shelters. Actually deadcreek, there are some significant differences in the various pheasants species regarding housing & care. I recommend designing an aviary that best suits the birds native habitat and pheasants have varied. The all-too-common-barren-pens should be avoided. There have been several articles posted on BYC showing aviaries to gather ideas from.

Perhaps my comments were harsh, for that, I do apologize, but these are a wild species that should be treated as such.


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