Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Not tossing eggs because I've never candled before , but can't find a single egg developing out of 14 .
And ironicly , after posting yesterday on another thread about not ever seeing any evidence of my CX having an actual leg problem , one of my cockeral's legs is shooting off at a 45 degree angle and he's limping bad . He was eating and drinking today and I had too much going on , but hopefully I can find time to cull him tomorrow as his life isn't likely to improve .
I did find a 5 gallon , stainless steel pot for $5.40 ; I think it might serve as a scalding pot for him but its going to be tricky getting enough water to dunk him yet not over flow it . [ On small numbers I've always dry-plucked or skinned , but thought it might be nice to have a small scalder to sit on the grill . ]
That chicken will be the size of a small turkey... it would be best to leave the skin on!!
What a good by on that pot.
Yeah , I'm considering smoking him and for sure want the skin left on . If I had not discovered him limping I would have never stopped in the store to see what sizes the " ASSORTED POTS $4.99 " covered ; they were above my head on a shelf , with a row of 4 qts in front and some larger sizes in the back buried and out of sight of those people not over 6 ft tall .......... even the checkout lady didn't know they had them that size at that price
Misfortune always seems to lead to a blessing if I'm looking for it instead of cussing my bad luck

ETA : The big boy got a temporary reprieve ; I've got too much to do this afternoon plus he's walking much better . I also discovered that the dark feathers I saw behind his head on the back of his neck yesterday are actually dried blood . I'm guessing he and the beta cockeral finally settled their squabble and he was injured in the process ............. the alpha guy seems to always hold his position with just a stare-down though he's been the smallest since having bumble foot . Today the boys were both eating side by side for the first time in months .
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Just a quick question here for you?
Saturday (11-13-2010) we butchered 7 roosters, 1 Buff Rock ( little over 1 yr.), 1 Easter Egger (not quite a year), 1 RIR, 1 Welsummer,
(both a little under 1 yr.), 1 Golden Campine, 1 Cuckoo Marans (both about 5 months old), 1 White Laced Red Cornish (about 1 yr.).
The Easter Egger had more breast meat than any of the others, and shorter legs but also more meat on them than any of the others, even the Cornish.
Has anyone else ever noticed their EE's having more meat than Cornish or any other breed? Just curious.
I just butchered some roos (maybe it's just) my EE did seem a little more meatier in the breast. My barred X roos seems to have lighter thighs and legs. All of my birds are mix breeds, but so far I'm real pleased with the outcome.
No , exactly the opposite with the WLRC but not by much . The thing about EE is that they can be a mix of anything as long as there's a possibility they carry the blue egg gene , so their meat qualities can and do vary greatly .
Couldn't hurt
, but still have my mind set on getting a line of EE off my CX . I took another look at a few eggs in my 'bator last night and hope the blue/green that I can't see through at all except at the two ends are having the light blocked by a chick . I'll discard and open some CX eggs on the 18th [ lockdown ] because my new light clearly shows a yolk and nothing else . I changed the breeding pens today to put everything that doesn't lay a blue or green egg under an Ameraucana ; everything that does under a CX . Hopefully both the CX pullets and Speckled Sussex pullets will produce some dual purpose EE with good meat qualities . This hatch [ if anything hatches ] is due on the 21st . I'll set eggs on Dec 11 for a New Years hatch ....................... watching eggs hatch is as much NYE excitement as I require these days

ETA : I wasn't thinking about the WLRC pullets , they are still under a CX
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