Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

yes I have two roos out of him who are showing great prospect and are as nice as he USED to be so we will see if they stay that way. they're already breeding & not agressive, but then neither was he up until a month or so ago. they are a little lighter & can fly so you can be sure I am watching them closely.
I put in 2 doz eggs in the AL-A-Bator Sunday, a good friend likes me and helped me out with some good Cornish egg's, My brother in Cornish Charley. They are WLR's & Standard Whites, yes you read right I said Whites YoooHoooo..

So... I did a bunch of searches looking for the comparison threads of FR vs CX and I couldn't find them, I think I only found one. Does anyone have them handy they could post the link? I would appreciate it, thanks!
Use the Blue Bar Search (at the top of this page) button to enter your search. Use Freedom Rangers as the search subject and choose the Meat Birds ETC forum choice. Many of the threads listed will have discussions comparing the FR with the CX despite what the title says. It may take a while to read but you'll learn alot.
Hey chad : I am doteing over the eggs this time trying to get more whites, unfortunately I anticipate 90% clear at day 14. That's just the way it is when you deal with these whites, but with the inclusion of this new young white this spring should be very exciting.


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