Rhode Island Red Thread

She's pretty! My RIR are very similar to your hen. I think mine might be a bit darker though. I love RIR but I don't really know that much about them (like strains).
Are you planning to hatch from your hens?
Unfortunately I found this pretty little hen dead in the coop the morning after I took this picture. I have no idea as to why she died. I was sad because she was my favorite RIR hen.
Was given this lovely little bird today, supposedly 9 weeks old. Roo or hen?
He's actually from Chattanooga. He was hand raised by a friend's family member, very friendly little thing. They have a very small flock and had both this bird and a gorgeous lavender buff orpington roo. I already have a RIR rooster though, so I'm going to have to find him a home.
Oh ok. Good luck finding him a home! I actually need to replace my RIR cockerel (Cecil) but I'm in England.....
I'm going to order 6 Rhode Island Red Hatching Eggs from Ebay and hopefully get a new cockerel.


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