Rhode Island

Hi everyone, Lincoln here, I have 5 New Hampshire reds and 2 whites silkes. Also have 20 eggs in an incubator in my sons classroom currently with 5 different breeds: black austrolorps, buff orpingtons, speckled Sussex, barred rocks and silver laced wyandottes! Keeping my fingers crossed!! Has anyone hatched before?
Hello from Coventry. I have Gold Lace Polish, Silver Birchen Marans, Lavender Ameraucanas, Black Copper Marans, and 1 mutt (Leghorn marans mix decended from the original tractor supply chicks - best layer!). I have a hatching vice, and finally have both sexes of all (except the black copper marans - lost a beautiful blue copper rooster and haven't replaced him yet) and separate pens so this year will be fun.
@moonlights keep us posted on your hatching endeavors this year! I have 4 brown leghorns that are amazing layers. They are annoying and I hope to never own leghorns again because of how flighty (quite literally) and skittish they are. They are fun to watch but interacting with them is not possible. I love my orpingtons and americaunas for their personalities better. They're all my babies and I love them to pieces but no more leghorns ever again, even with their great laying abilities. Do you find your leghorns mix is more flighty than the rest? I'm curious to see what a mix breed is like
The leghorn rooster from the original batch of TS 'pullets' was renamed from 'Bubbles' to 'Chucky' - was a real mean one - drew blood from more than one person before his freerange days ended. The mixed hen is fine. not flighty at all.

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