RIR Breed Thread

We are newbies! In anticipation of our upcoming hatching eggs, thought we would start with 2 chicks. We have raised birds before and just wanted to be familiar with behaviors and needs before we start with newly hatched chicks. At least, this is what I tell myself. The reality is that my daughter said, "please can I take that one home? It's the only one and we have been watching 'her' for a week!" My daughter is 13 and wants to be a farmer. Another little girl looks over to her and said, "If you want 'her' I won't take her and i'll save her for you." Well how could I argue? The unselfish behavior of this little girl, just because my daughter was drawn to "her"? So I caved... Besides, we already got the coop, brooder is ready. We brought home a "Bantam straight run" um.

First thing, I saw these chicks unpacked as they were a few days late with their Chick Days, that I eagerly anticipated (not just for the kids) :) .

This chick is the same size now as the Barred Rock I purchased the next day. Oh that was because I realized it wasn't good for this chick to be alone (perhaps not so altruistic).

So, first off we decided she is female, but we didn't even have another to compare to as the others there appeared to be D'uccles the Mille Fleur (forgive my spelling). So, she looks to me as RIR or a mixed of that nature. Also, does (she) appear to be a pullet? She's a sweetheart and has warmed up. I'm glad I got another to keep her company. When we pick up one, they start calling to each other... So sweet!
can anyone help me i have 5 rir chicks that r around 6 weeks old , i am pretty sure 1 is a roo , im not sure of the others

Hi everyone! This is my first year with chickens. We have an assorted flock of 1 Isa Brown, 1 Black Australorp, 2 Araucanas, 2 Black Jersey Giants and 3 Rhode Island Reds. Not 100% if they are production reds or not. But I noticed my sweetie's wings looked different from the others, almost like shes missing a row of feathers. Is this something to be worried about?

Either it's missing or hasn't grown out yet. Definitely a production red. Good layers. As long as you love them, it doesn't really matter. I am closer to getting breed standard reds but not there yet. Lots of good people on here who breed them, should you ever want breed standard reds. Big difference between the two. I love my reds!!!

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