Roaming Dogs Caught on Game Camera Several Times



Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
There are two large dogs, owner unknown, who have been caught on my game cam twice. Our main 2 acres, with house, coops, barn (with its own fence) is perimeter fenced with a driveway gate. The adjoining pasture lot is not fenced yet, but that's in the plans. I downloaded my game cam, which I faced toward the pasture about 2 weeks ago after reports of a humongous coyote pack in our area were posted, thought maybe I'd get some on camera and see what condition they are in. I got this picture about 4 days ago. The dog was very interested in something inside the perimeter, not sure what-maybe deer, maybe my cat. I didn't see them in person this time.

Today, I heard something running through the woods across the power line easement that borders my property, not far from our barn. I waited, thinking a deer would run out, but nope, it was the black dog and his brindle friend was behind him. He looked at me and we were at a standoff until I picked up a long switch and yelled. They booked it down the road. I decided to check the game camera and lo and behold, they were here earlier this morning, too.

On the local yard sale site, thinking the dogs' owner or someone who knows them would tell the owner, I posted this courtesy heads-up:


Of course, for this, I get abuse and thinly veiled threats and the like , and "poor puppies", etc. Two women, neither of which have a clue who the dogs are, lectured me on how horrible I was and how I had no right to think of shooting the dogs. I finally told them to move on unless they know the owner.

1) No way I'll approach strange, BIG dogs, especially a group of them. Not reaching for the collar, even if there is a tag. Not getting bitten.
2) I said if they get into the perimeter, they are in danger because I have some valuable birds (no, lady, they're not gamecocks, sheesh)
3) the law says dogs must be under the owner's control at all times-obviously, these are not.
4) I said IF they are lost, they are hanging around here and you should come this way to look for them. That is a courtesy that I have NO responsibility to do, but oh, I'm a terrible person.
5) No pass for dogs just because they are dogs. No exception for hunting dogs, either, because no one has pemission to hunt my place, period.

One person said she hopes if I kill the dogs, they find where I live and take care of business. Good grief, so sorry for trying to notify the owner of their dogs being in trouble. Sheesh.

I have hens who are almost 10 years old who hatched here and have never been in serious danger. I have some very rare breed chickens and rare quality birds that are worth some $$ and a lot of time invested in them. If I lose them, they are not easily replaced. Not to mention, I've put up fencing and more fencing to keep dogs out and my chickens in, but these big dogs can scale that livestock fence and if the birds are free ranging inside the perimeter fence, they would kill them, I'm sure. So, here we go. I'm once again in a position to have to execute dogs. Why do they put me in this position?? I love dogs, but I love my chickens more. The dogs are trespassing repeatedly. The chickens belong here.
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You're totally in the right, speckledhen! The two with the problem have neve had their property invaded and stock harassed or killed, I guess. I thought your courtesy note was excellent and non-threatening. Great job!
You're totally in the right, speckledhen! The two with the problem have neve had their property invaded and stock harassed or killed, I guess. I thought your courtesy note was excellent and non-threatening. Great job!

Thank you. I didn't think what I said warranted the abuse I got. I will just have to take down the post and do what I have to do, if it comes to that. Folks act like I said I'd blow away anything I saw on my land, humans included, good grief. Guess they just want to fight.
speckledhen - this must be a sign of the times, because it's rampant - everywhere, and people don't care.
When I turned my neighbors in for their repeatedly loose dogs - someone went on one of the local
Facebook pages and started a libelous rant against me. This in spite of the DA prosecuting my neighbors - and them getting fined -
I was the bad guy - not them - according to my local yahoos. Well, we know who really is in the right: YOU.

What won my case? Photos and videos just like yours. Irrefutable evidence.

Keep a record, look into your county laws - if they are able to be prosecuted, call your sheriff, and get the ball rolling.
Don't just complain online - call the sheriff - get them cited - go to court.

My neighbors are getting busted a second time because the dogs were loose after their first conviction.
I'm asking the DA to really come down hard on them next time.

I have worked for a federal and state law enforcement agency in my younger years. Only way you'll get this stopped
is to go through the right channels. Document. Everything! Report, and ride the sheriff to do something about it.

CC your local newspaper in any correspondence with your county officials. Sometimes that kind of
public shaming gets things going if you have lazy DA or a corrupt county apparatus (been there, seen it).

Good luck….you are in the right. They are not!
I have lived in the suburbs most of my life, never lived on a farm or raised animals. I just have to say I totally agree with you. Even though I have never raised livestock I know it takes a lot of time and money to raise them. I know dogs on the loose can just go on a killing spree. Also don't blame you for not wanting to confront the dogs you never know. Hopeful the owners take control of their animals so it doesn't come down to you having to protect yours.
Good luck
speckledhen - this must be a sign of the times, because it's rampant - everywhere, and people don't care.
When I turned my neighbors in for their repeatedly loose dogs - someone went on one of the local
Facebook pages and started a libelous rant against me. This in spite of the DA prosecuting my neighbors - and them getting fined -
I was the bad guy - not them - according to my local yahoos. Well, we know who really is in the right: YOU.

What won my case? Photos and videos just like yours. Irrefutable evidence.

Keep a record, look into your county laws - if they are able to be prosecuted, call your sheriff, and get the ball rolling.
Don't just complain online - call the sheriff - get them cited - go to court.

My neighbors are getting busted a second time because the dogs were loose after their first conviction.
I'm asking the DA to really come down hard on them next time.

I have worked for a federal and state law enforcement agency in my younger years. Only way you'll get this stopped
is to go through the right channels. Document. Everything! Report, and ride the sheriff to do something about it.

CC your local newspaper in any correspondence with your county officials. Sometimes that kind of
public shaming gets things going if you have lazy DA or a corrupt county apparatus (been there, seen it).

Good luck….you are in the right. They are not!
I sympathize with you. Several years ago, a local farmer was fed up with dogs killing and mutilating his calves. He finally, after repeated warnings to the owners, shot the dogs. Though the law is fairly plain, a lawsuit was brought and actually tried, a complete waste of taxpayer money when the sheriff should have just told the owners that they did not have a leg to stand on. So, I have little faith in our sheriff's department in this place. The head of the county commission even told the public that Animal Control didn't have the time or resources to deal with all the loose dogs and to just shoot them. Yup, he said that. Right afterward, a gut-shot dog ended up on the property across the power line easement. We heard the shot and the yelping, but never knew what happened until one day- I was walking my own dog (on a leash on my land down trails) when she became upset and began smelling the air, then pulled me all the way up the hill to home. DH found the dog's body where she had pointed.

I removed the post on the yard sale site and just got out of the sale group entirely. I had to stop the commenting on my courtesy post anyway. It was ridiculous. So, I told my husband that maybe, since the dogs have been showing up early, probably running deer, that maybe he should get the shotgun and go out just before daylight and wait to see if they show up....then shoot over their heads or into the ground. That dang thing is LOUD and maybe, just maybe, they'll stay away from here.
I have lived in the suburbs most of my life, never lived on a farm or raised animals. I just have to say I totally agree with you. Even though I have never raised livestock I know it takes a lot of time and money to raise them. I know dogs on the loose can just go on a killing spree. Also don't blame you for not wanting to confront the dogs you never know. Hopeful the owners take control of their animals so it doesn't come down to you having to protect yours.
Good luck
You are very right. I have some Barred Plymouth Rocks from an old heritage line. In their prime, they were worth about $75 EACH. I've seen Brahmas like I have (Partridge and Blue Partridge) going for $50 for hatching eggs and $400 for an nice adult breeding trio or quad. You can't get them from a regular hatchery, only the small boutique ones that charge $15 per day-old chick or something like that. So, it's not like you can go just pick up some new birds. I hatched these here, a breeder in NY sent me the eggs, and they are approaching 18 weeks old and I am enjoying them immensely. To have my 7 member breeding group just slaughtered would devastate me.

Maybe I just need a big dog of my own. We've had dogs. They were fenced 24/7, no matter where we lived. If there was not a fence, we installed one. It really isn't rocket science. It's a dog. We're human. If it gets out, you build a better fence with a no-dig or no-climb barrier as we had when my family raised AKC Dobermans.

The GA and our county dog law says:

Quote: Means the dog does not have to actually kill the birds. Just running them can kill them. And, if the dog growls, BOOM! It threatened me and I'm defending myself. Seems fairly straightforward to me.
How very worrying for you speckledhen in all of those pics the dogs definitely look like they are interested in something on your side of the fence. I think your decision not to approach them is a wise one.

I too think that your posting on the site was a good thing, giving the owners the opportunity to contain their dogs. Some would not bother and would just shoot on sight.

I wonder how those who abused you would be reacting if the dogs were having their beloved kitty cat or pampered pooch for breakfast? It is easy for some to judge when they are not the ones having to deal with the real possibility of losing something they love.

From what I have learnt from your posts, you are a loving animal carer; such a shame that the owners of these dogs [unless they are lost] are not. While it would be sad if the dogs have to die, the blame will be totally in the lap of the owners, not yours. You have a right to protect your loved ones.

Hoping that they lose interest and move on
I'm siding with you.

The laws of my state (Iowa) are clearly on the side of the domestic livestock owner (I just read them), and running dogs can be taken if they're harassing your birds. There's no provision for attempts to locate the owner of the dog(s). You went above and beyond.

In the same way that I will protect my birds from raccoons, coyotes, or badgers, I'll protect them from running dogs as well.

I love dogs. However, once a dog becomes accustomed harassing livestock, there's usually no stopping them.
How very worrying for you speckledhen in all of those pics the dogs definitely look like they are interested in something on your side of the fence. I think your decision not to approach them is a wise one.

I too think that your posting on the site was a good thing, giving the owners the opportunity to contain their dogs. Some would not bother and would just shoot on sight.

I wonder how those who abused you would be reacting if the dogs were having their beloved kitty cat or pampered pooch for breakfast? It is easy for some to judge when they are not the ones having to deal with the real possibility of losing something they love.

From what I have learnt from your posts, you are a loving animal carer; such a shame that the owners of these dogs [unless they are lost] are not. While it would be sad if the dogs have to die, the blame will be totally in the lap of the owners, not yours. You have a right to protect your loved ones.

Hoping that they lose interest and move on
Thank you. Yes, I love animals, especially dogs and chickens. But, I just will not allow, if I can help it, a dog to slaughter my birds. Some are approaching 10 years old and they don't deserve to die that way. Others are close to irreplaceable. I hoped to stop it from happening by attempting to find the owners or at least, alert them that their precious pooches are about to reach the point of no return. You know our cat, Finn. He loves to hunt in that pasture right where the dogs are hanging out. I'd hate for him to be caught out there by them.

I'm siding with you.

The laws of my state (Iowa) are clearly on the side of the domestic livestock owner (I just read them), and running dogs can be taken if they're harassing your birds. There's no provision for attempts to locate the owner of the dog(s). You went above and beyond.

In the same way that I will protect my birds from raccoons, coyotes, or badgers, I'll protect them from running dogs as well.

I love dogs. However, once a dog becomes accustomed harassing livestock, there's usually no stopping them.
Thank you for the support. And welcome to BYC! I have had very few times I felt compelled to post in this section on my own behalf. I thought I might have some coyote pictures from the meadow since there is a huge pack hunting this area now, but I was a little surprised to see dogs frequenting that part of our property; I mean, they were here TWICE just today that I know of. I'm betting they are running deer, seen almost the same time both mornings, just an hour after I got doe and spike buck photos in the same area, but a dog running after prey is already in hunt mode and will be happy to grab a few chickens along the way, leave their bodies scattered and continue on.

We spent a long time putting up the perimeter fence, 330 ft at a time, as we could afford it and my disabled vet husband's back would allow. And we surrounded the new barn with another almost 6' fence with gates as well. But, my birds eat the greens outside of the pen and along the pasture fence. I guess I'll have to always be out there with them, every minute rather than just checking on them periodically. My four young cockerels have no spurs yet, only my main breeding BR rooster, so they are basically defenseless against anything.

Eventually, that pasture will be fenced, but I'm not sure when we'll manage it. That doesn't mean it will be dog-proof. We've had dogs climb the livestock fencing and tear it off the oak tree it was hammered into so it only slows them down.
Not that this is any help........but those with dogs and dog problems might find this interesting..........the origin of the phrase, " a dog is a man's best friend".

The case of Old Drum........

Note this all took place in 1869, so is evidence that neighbors and their dogs have been causing each other problems for what seems like forever, yet aside from folks being responsible for their dogs, no good solution has ever been devised because people in the country with dogs tend to let them run wild (are not responsible). This and other cases like it are also what have lead to laws about how to deal with dogs and when you can and can't harm one. A tough thing to decide in the split second a person needs to make the decision to take lethal force and deal with the consequences later.

None of us are immune to the problem. Two days ago I looked out the window from where I am sitting now to see a Doberman and another large mutt "marking" the bushes of my front step, no more than 15' away from me (chickens normally would have been running around in the back yard, but that day were still cooped up). I think the dogs belong to someone who lives about half a mile they were a long way from home. Dogs in the country do that. I was hoping they might tangle with the electric fence I have out back waiting for them, but they never got that far. They moved on to the next house. Haven't seen them since.

Short of shooting one, another option if you have some resources is to trap and hold them. That would work for curious dogs who keep coming around. An effective form of a live trap or box trap can be made from a dog kennel. Trap and hold them. If they matter, sooner or later the owner will come around to claim them and when he does, it will be him on the hot seat trying to explain why his dogs are on your place and what is he going to do about it. What complicates the situation and motivates some people is who got there first. If they were living there when you moved in and their dogs have been allowed to run free, they feel they have some type of roaming rights "grandfathered" in. Or just as bad are the newcomers who bring their dogs and cut em loose, thinking that is what dogs get to do in the country and seem to get bent out of shape when they find out otherwise. additional piece of advice is to modify the fence where those dogs are shown to include a single hot electric wire on top of it. If they decide to try to climb that fence, they get zapped and zapped hard. As it is now, you have nothing preemptive to keep them on the outside where they belong. Better to get ahead of the curve now than deal with things after.
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