RodNTN's chat thread!

there is more where that came from
there is more where that came from :lol:

What do you guys think Ameraucana, barred plymouth rock or speckled sussex? 
Edit: Those are my options for breeds I am getting in the spring 

I would say Ameraucanas because they're really cool! But SS's and BR's are probably way less expensive! They're all good breeds though.
Awesome pics @summerb123 !
Not much. But I am so excited because it's been in the 50's and the 60's the past few days!
That's like unheard of in Ohio during the winter! It's so awesome!
Its has been in the 60's here too! Its kinda common here, but this week the temperatures are supposed to start dropping. Also, we have had so many coyote attacks, that is becoming pretty common. And last night one of my White Leghorn girls went missing
It was Agnes
And it stormed all night last night, but this morning I went to feed and water my chickens (it was still pouring the rain so I didn't let them out to range). And Agnes was standing on the ramp, soaked. I quickly put her back in the coop and she sat in the corner. I think she might've roosted roosted in a tree all night, since she is a flyer. I am just so happy she is alright!
What do you guys think Ameraucana, barred plymouth rock or speckled sussex?
Edit: Those are my options for breeds I am getting in the spring
I have never had Ameraucanas, but I have Barred Rocks (And I love them! They are cold and heat hardy, are great layers, are calm and docile, just overall a great beautiful bird!)
And I have had a Speckled Sussex before too, they are so sweet and calm! But Ameraucanas lay beautiful eggs, so I guess you could study up and use your own judgement.

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