RodNTN's chat thread!

Cool! Chicks or pullets or what?
Tiny balls of happiness and fluffiness and cutness and squeal-as-high-pitched-as-you-can baby chicks
Haha, I like raising chicks but they REALLY get on some people's nerves...I remember once when the power went out we had to bring the chicks was at the breaking point all week coz the chicks were annoying her...I didn't want the chicks to freeze felt really bad for my mom...
Hm.... tough situation
Fortunatly, my whole family loves the chicks - maybe not the cats, but they don't count
(don't tell them I said that XD)
Ok... Hey guys, so I want some more chicks and here is what I hear( btw I will be posting this on a few threads lol)... Emily you have 12 chickens. You do not need anymore chickens.
What do mean I can't have anymore chickens??????????????????????? I ONLY have 12. :( I am going to make their run MUUUUCH bigger then it needs to be so when my silkie starts laying eggs( I have a few roosters) she will go broidy and maybe I can convince mom and dad to let me keep them! *Mwahahahaha* :gig
So, what do you guys think... Is 12 chickens ENOUGH chickens??? I want your honest opinion :)

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