RodNTN's chat thread!

Ok... Hey guys, so I want some more chicks and here is what I hear( btw I will be posting this on a few threads lol)... Emily you have 12 chickens. You do not need anymore chickens.
What do mean I can't have anymore chickens??????????????????????? I ONLY have 12.
I am going to make their run MUUUUCH bigger then it needs to be so when my silkie starts laying eggs( I have a few roosters) she will go broidy and maybe I can convince mom and dad to let me keep them! *Mwahahahaha*

So, what do you guys think... Is 12 chickens ENOUGH chickens??? I want your honest opinion
Hate to say it but just backyard pets with eggs as a bonus you don't need more than 10-15. With that amount, you can get most of the breeds you want and it's not to the point where feed costs lots. I have 7 ATM not including other fowl.
Sorry, I know you were hoping for lots of "Oh, you should have at least 20" I would be...XD
Ok... Hey guys, so I want some more chicks and here is what I hear( btw I will be posting this on a few threads lol)... Emily you have 12 chickens. You do not need anymore chickens.
What do mean I can't have anymore chickens??????????????????????? I ONLY have 12.
I am going to make their run MUUUUCH bigger then it needs to be so when my silkie starts laying eggs( I have a few roosters) she will go broidy and maybe I can convince mom and dad to let me keep them! *Mwahahahaha*

So, what do you guys think... Is 12 chickens ENOUGH chickens??? I want your honest opinion

It depends on what you want them for. For me, 12 would never be enough! But I breed em and have some projects starting up, what I have isn't enough (50+). For you, you're not a breeder, and chickens are more for eggs and fun. Right? So you don't need more, even though you want more. So basically, I agree with Micah.

That said, the more the merrier. If you can and want to, get more.
Cuz, you just totally glitched put this thread with your inexhaustible excitement.... :lau

Inexhaustible excitement.......... Makes me sound like a toddler. :lol:

What breeds do you want Cuz?

Blue Ameraucanas and Black Copper Marans. :love

I get his feeling somebody is excited...anybody else? I just seems like some one here is excited...there's just something about the posts...idk..........

Hmmm, wonder who? Not me....:lau No, certainly not. :gig

Ok... Hey guys, so I want some more chicks and here is what I hear( btw I will be posting this on a few threads lol)... Emily you have 12 chickens. You do not need anymore chickens.
What do mean I can't have anymore chickens??????????????????????? I ONLY have 12. :( I am going to make their run MUUUUCH bigger then it needs to be so when my silkie starts laying eggs( I have a few roosters) she will go broidy and maybe I can convince mom and dad to let me keep them! *Mwahahahaha* :gig
So, what do you guys think... Is 12 chickens ENOUGH chickens??? I want your honest opinion :)

Em, dude, don't listen to Micah and KFG, you ALWAYS need more chickens. I have 77 and need 777. Lol
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Ok... Hey guys, so I want some more chicks and here is what I hear( btw I will be posting this on a few threads lol)... Emily you have 12 chickens. You do not need anymore chickens.
What do mean I can't have anymore chickens??????????????????????? I ONLY have 12.
I am going to make their run MUUUUCH bigger then it needs to be so when my silkie starts laying eggs( I have a few roosters) she will go broidy and maybe I can convince mom and dad to let me keep them! *Mwahahahaha*

So, what do you guys think... Is 12 chickens ENOUGH chickens??? I want your honest opinion
I agree with Micah and @TheKindaFarmGal , 12 chickens is enough if you just want them for pets. I have 28 chickens, and its a lot to take care of! All of that feed, bedding, supplies, etc. Adds up to be a lot! And I can't even imagine having 50+ chickens!

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