RodNTN's chat thread!

That's awesome! Yeah, I want more too. Chickens are addicting, aren't they?
Mine are grumpy, because its raining
That's awesome! Yeah, I want more too. Chickens are addicting, aren't they? :lol: Mine are grumpy, because its raining :p

Yes they are addicting. But I know I don't have any room for any more, and don't want any problems so no more for me. My chickens are also grumpy today, it's snowing here!
Yes they are addicting. But I know I don't have any room for any more, and don't want any problems so no more for me. My chickens are also grumpy today, it's snowing here!
Tell me about it! 3 local stores here have chicks, I am doing my best to stay home so I don't come home with 50+ chicks!

I might have more room for a few more, maybe
Seriously doubt it...... Oh, snowing? My little sister wants snow so much! But I am glad that it is rain and not snow!
   Tell me about it! 3 local stores here have chicks, I am doing my best to stay home so I don't come home with 50+ chicks! :lau
   I might have more room for a few more, maybe :fl :lol: Seriously doubt it...... Oh, snowing? My little sister wants snow so much! But I am glad that it is rain and not snow!
Yeah, all the local stores here have had the chicks for like 2 weeks already! I hate snow, I wish we would have rain instead! :p
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