RodNTN's chat thread!

Aaaawwww!!!!!!! OEGB's!!!!
I know! TSC has them right now!
TSC has chicks?!?!?!? What breeds????
Yes they do, well here anyway! It depends on your location on the breeds and if they even have chicks. All my local TSCs have chicks. They usually have a mixture of breeds all mixed together in one bin at my local one labeled pullets. That's why I usually don't buy from them. I usually buy from Rural King.
Mine usually has buff orpingtons, rhode island reds pullets, leghorns pullet, barred rocks, black autralorps, and a couple other breeds :) I think those are the only pullets at mine but I am not sure :/
Same here, but they are usually all mixed together in one bin, which I hate!

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