RodNTN's chat thread!

This sounds awful, but I have a bunch of chickens that are not named and they don't really lay eggs anymore, so they are just there. Lol. Everyone said I should cull all of them, but there's nothing wrong with any of them, so I didn't have the heart to do it. Anyways, my gold sex links have been dying like crazy from sour crop. We catch it too late and there's nothing we can do. There's been this other GSL hen moping around for two weeks now and I thought maybe she had sour crop too, but never really checked because she's dying, figured there's no use trying to save her. Well, she's been pulling through and still living here two weeks later, even though the other hens have been trying to kill her. I was bent down trying to get another hen and the sick one came over to me. Turns out she has a really bad case of bumble foot. Her toe is HUGE. So I figure she's suffering and the best option is to cull. She's still with the other hens. Figured it can't hurt to let her there till tonight at least till when my dad gets here, and we can discuss culling.
This sounds awful, but I have a bunch of chickens that are not named and they don't really lay eggs anymore, so they are just there. Lol. Everyone said I should cull all of them, but there's nothing wrong with any of them, so I didn't have the heart to do it. Anyways, my gold sex links have been dying like crazy from sour crop. We catch it too late and there's nothing we can do. There's been this other GSL hen moping around for two weeks now and I thought maybe she had sour crop too, but never really checked because she's dying, figured there's no use trying to save her. Well, she's been pulling through and still living here two weeks later, even though the other hens have been trying to kill her. I was bent down trying to get another hen and the sick one came over to me. Turns out she has a really bad case of bumble foot. Her toe is HUGE. So I figure she's suffering and the best option is to cull. She's still with the other hens. Figured it can't hurt to let her there till tonight at least till when my dad gets here, and we can discuss culling.

Awe I'm SO sorry. I couldn't imagine being in your position. I don't think I would be able to handle it :(
This sounds awful, but I have a bunch of chickens that are not named and they don't really lay eggs anymore, so they are just there. Lol. Everyone said I should cull all of them, but there's nothing wrong with any of them, so I didn't have the heart to do it. Anyways, my gold sex links have been dying like crazy from sour crop. We catch it too late and there's nothing we can do. There's been this other GSL hen moping around for two weeks now and I thought maybe she had sour crop too, but never really checked because she's dying, figured there's no use trying to save her. Well, she's been pulling through and still living here two weeks later, even though the other hens have been trying to kill her. I was bent down trying to get another hen and the sick one came over to me. Turns out she has a really bad case of bumble foot. Her toe is HUGE. So I figure she's suffering and the best option is to cull. She's still with the other hens. Figured it can't hurt to let her there till tonight at least till when my dad gets here, and we can discuss culling.

:hit I'm sorry :hugs

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