RodNTN's chat thread!

Hmm, nothing much. You?
I am waiting for my cousins to come over. Also, 5 of our kittens dies and the sixth is dying

What do you mean?
I thought they ended when the fifth "clan" ran off into the bush. I was young and inexperienced then. Now I am older and inexperienced.
Okay, I am bad at explaining. I thought the series ended, and I was disappointed so I quit, which doesn't make sense at all. As I said, I was young.
What in the world happened???
I know exactly how you feel! A few years back, our cat was have kittens all of the time, and every time she had some, they would ALL die

She has had 3 batches of kittens, the first 7 died, the next 3 lived, now these 6 are dead or dying. Bad mom!

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