RodNTN's chat thread!

All 6 of of out kittens died, we don't like our cat anymore. Then, what do you know? Our 11 year old male cat shows up after half a year to "bless us with more kittens" if you get my meaning.

Oh no! :( I'm so sorry :hugs
I am doing wonderfully, but we might have to put our rooster down tonight :hit

OH NOOOO!!!!!! :hit I'm so sorry, Isabella!
Poor Luigi!!!!! :hit Did the poor guy just decline rapidly...
It's been inspiring to watch how you've cared for him and never given up. :hugs He is such a lovable and beloved-on-BYC roo. :)
If there's any hope, I'm praying for him. :hugs
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All 6 of of out kittens died, we don't like our cat anymore. Then, what do you know? Our 11 year old male cat shows up after half a year to "bless us with more kittens" if you get my meaning.

Aw, that sucks :/

Isabel, can I see a pic of Luigi? I don't know what he looks like :p :oops:

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