RodNTN's chat thread!

A breed of meat hens that grow naturally. Sorry, forgot to mention these are meat chicks.:D

Oh ok! I looked them up a couldn't find much on them :)
I know.... :( I am not sure how I will be able to. Oh well, too late now. I think the Cornish Giants will be easy because they get so fat you just want to put them out of their misery :)

That's the way I would look at it. Thinking about my chickens outside and thinking about possibly having to do that, I want to cry :hit
Half (11) Cornish Giant, (yuck, not my idea. They get so big and I feel sorry for them!)
Half (11) Western Rustic. (My idea, yay!)

SO CUTE!!! :weee :love

My babies are coming into their adult temperaments. Brucie Wayne is SOOOOO SWEET!! :love :love :love

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