RodNTN's chat thread!

Hey guys, I'm having problems with my chicks. I think you could guess from my signature.....

I have the heat lamp 24" from the floor of the brooder, the water is on a short stand to keep it clean, the floor is wood shavings, clean, I have it inside so it would not get too terribly cold even without the heater, I have a vitamin mix recommended by a pro in the water, the chicks are vaccinated, the heat is perfect, there are no signs of too hot or too cold, YET THEY SRE DYING LIKE FLEAS PLEASE HELP :hit
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Hey guys, I'm having problems with my chicks. I think you could guess from my signature.....

I have the heat lamp 24" from the floor of the brooder, the water is on a short stand to keep it clean, the floor is wood shavings, clean, I have it inside so it would not get too terribly cold even without the heater, I have a vitamin mix recommended by a pro in the water, the chicks are vaccinated, the heat is perfect, there are no signs of too hot or too cold, YET THEY SRE DYING LIKE FLEAS PLEASE HELP :hit

Oh no! Are they huddled like they are cold or pressed against the sides like they are too hot? Are they fluffed up and just standing/laying there or are they running around energetic like. Are the bright eyed or dull. What does their poop look like?
Their poop looks half wet half grainy, they are all scattered everywhere, very lively then they sort of just sit down and die!!! Our chicken pro friend is stumped.
We are thinking of taking one to the vet for an autopsy or a checkup...

Good idea. Figure out where your state vet lab is (or find a vet who deals with chickens), and next time one dies, but it in a ziploc bag, and refrigerate it til you can get it to a vet.

I have absolutely no clue what it could be..... Maybe the vaccine backfired? :idunno
Their poop looks half wet half grainy, they are all scattered everywhere, very lively then they sort of just sit down and die!!! Our chicken pro friend is stumped.

:( I think it's time for you to create a thread in the Emergency/Diseases/Injuries forum.

We are thinking of taking one to the vet for an autopsy or a checkup...

We are thinking of taking one to the vet for an autopsy or a checkup...

Good idea. Figure out where your state vet lab is (or find a vet who deals with chickens), and next time one dies, but it in a ziploc bag, and refrigerate it til you can get it to a vet.

I have absolutely no clue what it could be..... Maybe the vaccine backfired? :idunno

That's highly possible. Every disease has innumerable strains- and sometimes a new strain proves immune to the vaccine. :/

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