RodNTN's chat thread!

I have had chicks that zipped and were then stuck for about 8 hours, then I started clucking, and they started peeping back and rocking back and forth, and withing 15 minutes were out.
It ended up hatching
Thank you Lord! But now the top eggshell is stuck to its head
I am going to dampen a paper towel and try and get it off. Whats causing this? Is the humidity too low?
It ended up hatching :ya Thank you Lord! But now the top eggshell is stuck to its head :/ I am going to dampen a paper towel and try and get it off. Whats causing this? Is the humidity too low?

Oh, thank goodness!! How many pipped/zipped now? Are there any eggs with no action yet?
It ended up hatching :ya Thank you Lord! But now the top eggshell is stuck to its head :/ I am going to dampen a paper towel and try and get it off. Whats causing this? Is the humidity too low?

Yaaay!!!! :woot
Okay that picture sounds really funny :gig

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