Roo with very swollen eyeball

I had the same problem with my rooster and we never used penicillan, it just isnt necessary. I would suggest just rubbing a little neosporin on his eye about twice a day and it should go away in a few days. I hope this helps thanks.
thanks for the encouragement RJ. At this point, it is looking very much like the end of the line for him. This sore eye has been growing for a couple weeks. It started out just red and closed, then the swelling started and terrimycin treatment was started, after warm cloth. Every day it is BIGGER! There is NO pus, just cheezy thread held on by a blood filled thread. He is NOT diseased, has normal poop, no respiratory problems. He was outside one cold nite and think he hurt it that nite he slept out under the pine trees.
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We have decided to continue with warm wet wash, terramycin eye ointment and nothing else. The "victim" is in a big cage in front porch close enough to tend several times a day. Since he does not appear to be in pain, is chipper and cherping to his hen caged with him, his treatment will continue as long as necessary. This is a very sweet, gentle roo with great potential in my cochin gene pool. and his spirits are too high to warrant rainbow bridge.
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