Roost bars: Even height or stair-stepped?


May 24, 2017
Southeastern New Hampshire
Hi, y'all! For space (and air flow) reasons, I think I'd prefer to have my ladies' two roost bars at the same height instead of stair-stepped. I know that different chickens will prefer different things, but I just wondered if there might be some obvious reason why I should stair-step instead of having them the same height. Maybe a "how else will the alpha feel significant if she has to roost at the same height as the peasants" kind of thing? Thanks!
Thank you! We have 12 ladies (planned on four, but... chicken math!) and our coop is 7' long, so I plan to do two 2x4s, 4 side up, that each span the length of our space for 14' of roosting room.
Like a newb, I put the door to the run smack in the middle of one wall. I should have moved it off-center to allow for more useage on that side of the coop. Live and learn! So I'm adjusting my roost plans on the fly. I appreciate the advice :D
Mine are all at one level, the alpha will find her favorite spot & own it!! As long as they have room to fluff their wings out to keep cool in the summer (1+ feet) they'll be fine.

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