rooster attack!!!

Thank you all for the input and comments and yes see bob go go bob go is too funny. he will go after the kids and i hate the fact they are scared of him. we are going to put him in a pen and coop by himself so the kids can get to handle the hens so all will be safe. he is such a pretty bird this is him about a month ago he is bigger and fuller now no spurs yet thank goodness
if that does not work well then its adious BOB!!!
As anderson stated, there are ways of taming a roo if he has some meaning to you. I have done this with a RIR and a partridge rock in the past with very good results but it does take about an hour of one on one time every day for a week or so, so if you don't have a lot of extra time to spend training then one of the other options may work better for you.

You could always put an ad on craigslist to rehome him also because there are folks out there like me that would love to have a nice roo that needs a little attitude adjustment.

whatever you decide, good luck to ya. The only one that knows whether its the right descision for you and your family is you, the rest of us can only offer suggestions
only would be in there when we want to spend time with the hens other wise he is a great protector for them no worries on that part.
Here is the rooster that attacked my little boy. He earned a 4 hour "time out" in the smoker.


One bite and the kids seemed to instantly get over the "emotional trauma" caused by his early demise.

They actually have asked me lately: "when can we butcher the other roosters and smoke them?"
My 4 yr old princess girl got attacked by our Roo and I thought she was just exaggerating about it all, until I got attacked. It puts a whole new meaning to the word "cocky". I was screaming and kicking at him and he did not back down, kept flying at me and trying to peck/scratch me! I was terrified, he would not let up!! After a few minutes I realized he backed me up against a wall, hoping his rage would end, it did not. I was able to grab a stick and defend myself and he just slowly walked away. Very traumatic. Felt horrible for not taking my daughters attack seriously. Time to get him gone. Dont ever want to endanger my children or myself again. He has made me scared of him, and that aint right! Dont wait until it happens to you!

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. NOT doing it again. I had to get into a major fight with my first Roo like you did. After that, I will not tolerate any aggression at all from them. He gouged my leg through my jeans and was flying way up by my face. I didn't have anything to hit him with so I had to kick the crapola out of him 8 times before he stopped, and then it was only because a kick had broken his beak.

The really aggravating part of all this? He attacked me, with my back turned, because I called the hens for a treat and he couldn't stop them. He took out his frustration of them not obeying him on me. Jerk. I wasn't scared, more totally enraged (I train very large dogs for a living). I still felt horrible when I went to pick him up and saw his beak broken.

I hadn't realized how stressful he was making things until he was gone.
I am new to this group and this was the second thread that I clicked on. When I was young we had a roo that liked to attack. He was mean and he would attack for no reason. I was so happy when that darned chicken was taken to the "Rainbow Bridge" for chickens. I have had somewhat of a fear of the roos ever since. We have recently acquired 15 chicks and have what we think are six roos and some of them will definitely have to go. I have told my hubby that if we have any that will attack, I will not help take care of them because I remember well what it is like when they do attack.
So far, I love this forum and I am glad it is available.

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