Rooster Attacked dog!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
22 Americauna roo attacked our very small, five lb. poodle today--three times...each time we yelled, flapped our arms and chased him off. Now, he's leaving the dog alone, but keeping a wary eye on us. The last attack he surprised us by running full speed across the yard to go after the dog. He doesn't have spurs yet, is about six months old and hasn't done any damage other than the dog being scared (and, I suspect, shamed). He's not a lap roo, but comes when we call...we've liked him up to this point, but since the dog is afraid of him now, I don't think there's any doubt where he is in the pecking order. He has also moved a bit aggressively towards small younger children. I tell them to move with purpose and act like they aren't afraid, but I can't afford that kind of liability. While we've enjoyed the roo up to this point, we can't have him attacking the family dog and neighbor children.

I was thinking of trying garden hose therapy. Sitting outside with the dog for a few hours with the roo--and everytime he goes after the dog, shoot him with the hose. If that doesn't work, he might end up being dinner. I didn't buy the chickens for that purpose, but we ended up with a cock in our pullets purchase.

Any thoughts or cures, or should we end it before the dog gets seriously injured? And yes, I know, it is pathetic and laughable that we have a dog who can get his butt kicked by a rooster, but he was here first and we didn't intentionally get a rooster. I understand about showing him who is boss (read the posts), but the dog doesn't get that--the rooster is a little wary of us after the yelling, screaming and chasing, but I'm afraid he might be smart enough to come in for a sneak attack and really hurt the dog once he gets spurs.

Robyn in Carmichael
my oegb x ameraucana roo attacks my beagle. she used to try and fight back but now just runs off. he doesn't attack my other two dogs, one, which is much smaller than the beagle.

and this roo is actually the beta roo. my alpha roo is very docile towards humans and dogs, but lets the other roos know who's king. he's my perfect boy.

anyway, i don't think you can ever teach a rooster NOT to attack once they start.

i have another oegb and he's a fighter. he goes nuts when he sees another roo and will relentlessly attack the pen trying to get to the other roo. but never shows any sign of attacking me, my 5 year old son or dogs. the guy who sold it to me (and i bought him for his coloring) said he culls any roos that show aggressiveness towards humans since he doesn't want it passed down to the chicks.

i wouldn't keep him. it would be hard to enjoy your other chickens since you're always paying attention to this guy maybe attacking your dog or children.
Thanks for the reply! I'm giving it a cooling off period, before we make a final decision. We really liked our roo--love to hear him crow...but if he's going to threaten the dog and small children, he'll have to go. I'm trying the garden hose therapy tomorrow, when I have some time off...I'll keep ya'll posted.

Robyn in Carmichael
And here I am worried that my dogs might get too exuberant with my chickens when the get big enough to go outside! My dogs are a bit bigger (about 20lb) but are shelties. I figure the herding instinct will kick in and they will have fun chasing them around - at least until the chickens get tired of it and turn on them...
Well, this is our first experience with a rooster, and he's been getting gradually more aggressive. We didn't even know he was a rooster until about eight weeks ago...from what I've read, it's possible yours won't get as aggressive, especially if your dogs keep him in line. The problem with my dog, is he's only a five lb poodle and didn't see the roo coming...he'd be chasing the rooster if the rooster ran from him, but now it's the other way around and the dog is definitely afraid of him. I'm guessing that's not good and the roo will be more inclined to go after him now. I'm in wait and see mode for now, but I have a feeling our lovely roo is going to end up being Sunday dinner!

Robyn in Carmichael

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