Rooster Chat

Hi all, I have a 4 1/2 month old Brahma rooster that is my first try at a rooster. I feed my hens back crushed egg shells for calcium and he keeps visiting and eating the shells while the 3 newbie pullets leave it alone. Should I worry about an excess of calcium for him or does anyone know an informative thread that I can visit to read up?
It's okay to feed crushed shells, but it's not an adequate calcium source for laying hens. They still need oyster shell in a separate container. He's probably just thinking "more treats", and he doesn't need them. Mary
It's okay to feed crushed shells, but it's not an adequate calcium source for laying hens. They still need oyster shell in a separate container. He's probably just thinking "more treats", and he doesn't need them. Mary
Mine will not eat oyster shells, they refuse. They pick them up and spit them back out.
My two rarely eat oyster shell, they like small bits of gravel from the sand we add to the run.
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Chickens actually know when they are deficient in a certain mineral/ food source. As long as your flock has access to the calcium then they will take the amount they need. If you have a free range flock or good calcium level (3%+) feed then you actually shouldn't have to supply calcium boosts, unless perhaps you start getting consistent soft egg shells.

Also, all chickens will also eat small shells and rocks as this helps them to digest food. They will take this usually from the floor around them. No need to supply it.
Well, because the newbies are just 4 1/2 mos old they are still on the grower pellets so not up to 3% calcium yet. He is a Brahma so growing fast and he is huge so I would think he really does need some calcium for that compared to a little rooster. I am just hoping that he really does "know" when he is overdoing it. The pullets never do eat them so I am assuming he really needs it. On the other note, I only have a soft shell problem when they were molting and now that they are through that they are back to normal.
Hmmm, So one is a Polish thats the guy now.  The one I "need" will be Ameraucana and maybe a Breda.  I think all three of those are generally thought to be more on the mellow end.  Anyone with thoughts on those, feel free to share.

I guess it will be a try and see what happens.  I'll just need a back up plan.  Hopefully not the auction...
My Amaricuna Rooster is nicknamed...The Cobra...he's a little pain in the posterior....and was getting close to ending up in the cooking pot....I was filling the waterers and he attacked I hosed him down...he's been pretty respectful of me since then.
I have 4 large breed roosters, and 7 bantam roosters, and 4 bantam juvenile roosters, lots of crowing around here.

Does anyone know what breed this is? I'm thinking maybe a silkie/ Cochin mix? I really have no idea though. Sorry I don't have a better picture.

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