Rooster Chat

1 and half yr. old EE roo Fester. His tail finally getting back to normal after molt.A bare butt roo is not a pretty sight.
3, one is a cockerel yet. Hope to have more males in spring. Want a big blue male from Stumpy or his cousins a friend has. Wish I could have more but space is an issue. Love the colors of the EES but so flighty.

Thank you everyone for Festers compliments! I think he is a handsome feller. His bantam buddy Lurch is hard to get a picture of.
I have three..wasn't planning on breeding but my son now interested in showing them. 1 Japanese B and 2 Wheaten Macans. Interesting to watch the whole flock together. The Japanese rules the yard and he is the smallest of the group. He takes it to the marans if they slip up. He will pull them around the yard by their combs and every morning there is a crowing contest.

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