Rooster Chat

Ask yourself this question. Would you be? Probably not. Chickens are flock animals with a few exceptions that I have read about most are happiest when they have a flock mate or two to roost with at night and to scratch around with during the day. Roost mates are imperative in the winter if it is cold where you live. IMHO, even if he had two hens to call his own he would be a happy boy in his new home.
Adorable silkies ! My Hercules def looks like a run down version (or maybe just older! LOL) I've notice a couple of his talons have been falling off ... Is he busy fighting off predators or being too big for the yard ...
What is the best way to break up a rooster fight? Hopefully this never happens but there is a wild rooster who has been hanging around my flock and if he ever finds a way in I know my roo will not take it well.
What is the best way to break up a rooster fight? Hopefully this never happens but there is a wild rooster who has been hanging around my flock and if he ever finds a way in I know my roo will not take it well.

Not sure if one is a total outsider, but I often have several roosters who might have skirmaches which end when one rooster runs away. I have never had a rooster hurt another. But they do need enough space to get away. Mostly they sort out a pecking order then get along.
This may not apply to some of the "game" breeds.
Thanks! The new guy won't even crow when mine does. And he doesn't seem to be challenging him at all I was thinking about keeping him in a separate pen and I might still do that. My rooster is a buff Orpington and the new guy looks like a leghorn if that matters.
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Thanks! The new guy won't even crow when mine does. And he doesn't seem to be challenging him at all I was thinking about keeping him in a separate pen and I might still do that. My rooster is a buff Orpington and the new guy looks like a leghorn if that matters.
I've broken up a fight that gets out of hand by grabbing the aggressor and allow the other guy to get out of the area. My Black Silkie Roo "Larry" was so intent on doing Christopher in that one or the other was going to end up dead from over exhaustion. Once Larry's trigger was out of sight he calmed down.
So what is everyone's opinion on my rooster going after my dog? I have a rat terrier and my Hercules (rooster) loves to go after him anytime he's within sight... no blood just some of his silk feathers flying around due to my dog fighting back. Is this a sign of a bad rooster ? He tries to also charge my doberman which that's as far as that goes considering she doesn't put up with him trying to spare (we had a close call once ). Any ideas what's going on here and is this grounds for keeping one cockerel and getting rid of my naughty rooster (he's a little over a yr old).
It sounds like it won't end well, especially if one of your dogs finally gets fed up and fixes the problem. Your rooster will continue until he injures a dog or gets killed, very likely. Sounds like drama nobody needs. I wouldn't wan this to continue. Mary

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